The Great Flood part2
The tiny light of her young life had been snuffed out and it was only because of her inability to keep her safe that she was gone.
A compulsive gambler if there ever was one, james had spent much of his young life racking up an obscene amount of debt with his loan shark.
Memories die slower
We grew older slowly and were held in great esteem, but never looked old - maybe because our hearts managed to stay young. life gives and life takes and when the latter occurred, we always did our best to be a strong shoulder to rely on.
Pt 13 - The Druid's Choice
Finally, tentatively, zaax hugged them both back... a smile growing on his face and, for the first time in his young life, he thought, happiness growing in his heart.
True Friendship
They had even gone as far to enroll him in a public school, which was the first time he'd attended one in his young life. the boy's parents figured he needed more of an opportunity to socialize.
No Light to be Seen: Chapter 9
-as soon as you sober up i want an explanation for your behavior for absolutely everything right before i ground you for the rest of your young life!"
Adair's new start-The beginning
Never in my young life have i like a girl before i met her.
Against All Odds: Part 39 - The Extrication of Alexei Korolev
Here he stood, all alone as he faced the biggest, toughest decision of his young life. "i..." he whimpered and whined, dipping his muzzle as the tears began to form.
A Bard's Tale - Chapter Four.
I wished i hadn't asked the story was a miserable substitute of someones young life, one which should have been happy.
Hunting the Hunter
Tenric had never seen anything like this before in his young life. "tenric! hey, tenric!" the fox turned to look when he heard his name. leon half-jogged over to tenric, while selene walked at a slower, more dignified pace.
The Birth of Donas Dorna, the Demon Dragon
He manages to call out her name, for a few moments it looked like this would be the end of his young life, then she suddenly snapped out of it but still a bit confused and hasn't released her grip.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 56: Caught In A Web Of My Own Intentions (Conclusion)
Wilber had the greatest sleep of his young life. he awoke on some of the lightest linen. his head was resting on the softest pillow he had ever felt. but then there was this weird weight on his chest. it felt soft and fuzzy.