The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Nineteen

So by going through there," he jerked his thumb at the trees separating them from the gate again, "you just turned a three month trip, at least, into a two week one." for a few seconds, it looked like adlis was actually considering this.

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Life's Tough With The Odds Against You - Chapter Three - One After The Other

And the two teenagers have been gone for weeks, one family even had to leave for their new life without their son. we ask that..." all eyes turned to us as the pictures were displayed on the television.

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Tenderheart’s Tiny Timeout

Surely not multiple weeks? one day his routine playtime was interrupted when someone rung the doorbell. panicked that someone might see him he dove into a pile of plushies to try and hide among them. he relaxed a little when he heard grams voice.

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Gortoz 'A Ran - CH 100 - A lifetime ago...

And after two weeks, one of the caretakers accompanied simon and catherine when they asked me if i wanted to live with them... to adopt me...they would take care of me if i did... i didn't know what it did to me...

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Opal's Story - Chapter 10

There was enough of an overlap between our schedules that we ended up spending a few hours each day together working on the gym, and once or twice a week one of us would stay up a few hours later.

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Luna and Thief, OI Ch: 4

By then, a few strangers came and went; those familiar strangers which logan had gotten used to over the last few weeks - one had even handed him a crisp white lab coat; stolen from that laboratory... until trevor had come back drenched in sweat and a muscle

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The Radiant Lion

Please also enjoy listening to the music that inspired this story: resonance, extra track: the radiant lion my patreon patrons have had this story for a few weeks; one of my top tier patrons chose the character that became javier, which is one of the privileges

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Jaguar Feathers Initial Concept (Recycled)

one of the longest battle of the whole war was low, only 3,000 dead romans, and 2,600 cambrians, however thousands more held minor injuries that still made fighting difficult.

Kaiju ga Gotoku 5.4 - A Goal for the Future

"last week, one of their subordinates was hung in front of my office. a warning specifically against me." "...alright." sa-rhee rubbed his hands.

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