Rabbit Food
Audio version available, narrated by khaki doggy, on "the voice of dog" podcast: http://the.voice.dog/ **rabbit food** _by altivo overo_ _(copyright 2009)_ phil leaned back in his chair and stretched, then rubbed his tired eyes.
The Fate of Frank Wright
A fox awakes on a riverbank his suit is torn his boat is smashed he has no memories no identity all he has is someone else's passport and their name: frank wright this is another story written for khakidoggy's the voice of dog podcast!
Link to the audio version of this story: https://anchor.fm/the-voice-of-dog/episodes/nonna-by-spottystuff-egfmnm my nonna, our family's de facto matriarch, spends most of her days in her little kitchen. she's just old school like that.
Rekindling - Part 2
"rekindling" has been previously published in difursity volume 1 and was aired on the voice of dog podcast. buy the "difursity volume 1" anthology https://furplanet.com/shop/item.aspx?
The First Shall Not Be Last
* * * _ **\*\*if you're interested in listening, instead of reading, to this story, follow the link to a reading done by** _ **the voice of dog** _**!
Tokyo Tension - Radio Edit
This is the same story as the original tokyo tension, but i cut the length down a bit to go on voice of dog and in the process cleaned it up. a young professional wolf finds himself in japan on family business with short notice and has to find his feet.
Ride of a Lifetime
This is "ride of a lifetime", another one of the stories i have written for inclusion in khakidoggy 's "the voice of dog" podcast. set in the same universe as the previous "the hadfield robbery", but a few years in the past.
Rekindling - Part 1
"rekindling" has been previously published in difursity volume 1 and was aired on the voice of dog podcast. buy the "difursity volume 1: anthology https://furplanet.com/shop/item.aspx?
#2 of tales of scales a short story written for the voice of dog that i hope will be able to get into the halloween themed month of stories!
Coyote's Voice: A Fable of Creation
Story is also available in audio format narrated by khakidoggy on "the voice of dog" podcast at http://thevoice.dog/ **coyote's voice** _by altivo overo (copyright 2015)_ in the dawn of time, ever so long ago, after mother gaia sang the world into existence
Fourth Man Left Outside
I wrote this for the halloween episode of the voice of dog, read by khakidoggy and you can listen to it here: https://www.thevoice.dog/episode/fourth-man-left-outside-by-rob-macwolf the wind was almost still.
Harvest Home
Audio version available, narrated by khakidoggy, on "the voice of dog" podcast here: http://thevoice.dog/ **harvest home** _by altivo overo_ _(copyright 2016)_ the sun glowed like a dying ember behind the silhouetted trees and rooftops of westvale.