A New Kind of Casino (TF/TG/AR)

Johnny and Carter had just made their way to a new casino that had recently opened up. There were a lot of papers on the front door, none that seemed worth reading as the duo headed inside to the casino. Carter had just turned 21 and Johnny was taking...

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The Operation (Anthro Hyena TF/TG) [COM]

"Are you sure about this guy? Something about all this seems...not right." Chai said over to his friend Jessica. "Yeah, of course he is!" she said back reassuringly. "He's the same doctor that turned me into what I am today." the fox woman added on....

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New Crew (Freedom Planet TF/TG)

It was the middle of the night in the town of Molton, and everyone was slumbering, waiting for the new day to tackle their various duties. Well, everyone except for a small trio of campers, who were about to witness something magical. They were a small...

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Bored No More (Carmelita Fox TF/TG)

Carl was always someone wanting a more exciting to happen to him. He had a plain and boring life. A simple retail job, living alone, not many people to talk to overall. Carl usually played video games on his time down. On of Carl's favorite series was...

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Mystic Sword (Fidget and Dust TF/TG)

Joseph was looking into some of the ancient lore regarding swords in old civilizations. It was something that had always fascinated him. He especially liked the ones that dealt with enchanted swords. From talking to bonding with it's users. If he could...

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New Blacksmith in Town (Haley TF/TG)

Terry was an aspiring businessman. He was always coming up with schemes and ways to try and start up these business to have a little personal handful of businesses to own and make a hefty amount of money for sometime down the line. This plan didn't...

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A Minnie Crime (Minnie Mouse TF/TG)

Terry was on his way back from classes. He was your average college student, living in a dorm room with his 2 roommates. As he went down the path, he saw a $100 bill on the ground. "Sweet!" he said, picking it up. "You shouldn't have done that" a voice...

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Unintentional Escape (Astro Kitty TF/TG)

Kevin was into cars as long as he could remember. He collected hot wheels at a kid, learned all about cars in his teen years, and collect model cars now in his young adult age. He even began clubs at his schools, and was the current president of one at...

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Don't Mess with the Moons 3 [TF/TG]

The town of Dunwhich was resting easy. The news had finally gone public that the head of the Moons had mysteriously disappeared and was presumed dead. With the moon full, the orange vixen stood perched on the roof of the largest building in town, hand...

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The Biker Dream (Anthro Fox TF/TG) [Shortie]

Jeff had but one mere dream. To want to look tough. He was always made fun of for being scrawny and weak as he was growing up, both from bullies at school and his brothers at home. Even going into his young adult years it seemed like he couldn't escape...

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Explorer's Medicine (Anthro Hippo TF/TG) [REQUEST]

Lisa was a nature enthusiast. Every weekend she would travel somewhere in the world to see what it had to offer. She went to every continent, and many countries and had no signs of stopping anytime soon. It was her livelihood as well, she documented...

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Insta-Fur 2 (Anthro TF/TG) [TRADE]

Jack and Perry were both roommates whom are currently in college. They met when they both moved into the same dorm. As luck would have it they were both closet furries, both of them unaware of it. They'd go as far as constantly deleting their history...

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