Death To Nightmare Chapter 11

princess celestia is recovering in the royal hospital so luna is in charge at the moment." "i assume she got free when pinkie somehow got out of her cell. that mare is amazing in a crazy sort of way."



She need to get to canterlot and speak to princess celestia. she needed to find the elements of harmony, and get healed by them. it was simple, really. simple, but hard.

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Luna hiccupped faintly as she stared up at the moon, swaying slowly from side-to-side in time with a ditty she was humming to herself in a tuneless way. It was night, and the princess was staring up at what was her domain, her duty, and, for a very,...

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Black Coffee

It just so happened that this pony was princesses celestia. she gave her usual warm smile and walked next to shining. "good morning, gleaming shield. i hope you slept well last night.


Princess Luna - Chapter 3

At my words, the expression on princess celestia's face _wilted_ into one of despair before she whispered, "i hope so, david... i hope so.

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Changeling Heart: Dinner Night

He smiled as we stopped before to large doors, when they slowly opened, inside were the rulers of equestria; princess celestia and princess luna, the bringer of the night and day.

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03 - R&R

"did you speak to princess celestia?" tick asked at once, but the sergeant only shook his head. "oh!" river moved excitedly and sloshed some of his bath water onto the floor. "did you get to see her royal hotness?"

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Giving Love a Helping Hoof

Twilight sparkle, the dearest and most faithful student of the beloved princess celestia, was currently lying in her bed, going over the last few pages of her journal.

Changeling Heart: Lighting's Past, Changeling's Name

Opening it up, i saw some words written in it; it was from princess celestia!

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Born For Loyalty Chapter 8

The sun finally rose and princess celestia appeared in a brilliant white light. 'okay i have to give the prince kudos. that was an awesome entrance.' most of the girls bowed except for dash and twilight.

Nightmare, Nightmare Chapter 6

She released princess celestia and princess luna! she gave up the throne!" twilight argued. "and how do you know that wasn't part of her plan?" shining asked before pointing at cadance.


The Brony Chronicles: Chapter 1

The next morning, twilight came by with the response from princess celestia. she praised twilight for her judgement and approved of my staying in ponyville.

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