Reflection - Rimba AU

**Reflection** I can't help but wonder: Did I make the right choice? Thinking back on it, I can't decide if I did. Was it due to self-preservation? Or to continue a dream that would have been lost? Or perhaps some other motivator for what I did. We...

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Toronto City Wars: Warp vs. Bantam Beaver

"_How long has it been?"_ Asked the Japanese-accented voice on the other end of the phone that Phyllis held to her ear. "_Three years, wasn't it?"_ "Four, actually," the brown beaver replied, lounging against the brick wall behind her. "Though, this...

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**Spinning** It is a funny thing, spinning In the distance I hear a ringing I love the poetic flight Energy flows with delight I bring my arms together The spin grows faster I feel isolated in a bubble of my own creation The power builds...

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Zy Zy University

Zy Zy University Chapter 1 Bryant woke up staring into the darkness he started floating around it "Where am I?...Why am I here?..." a voice started speaking "Moving onto greater challenges and a greater adventures" He looks around. "Who are...

University year (part6)

I turned out the lights and lid down. Your here... Now?... fine, part 6... This should be the end. I looked around and asked "Where is Sam?" The doctor stood up, walked to the curtain to my right and puled it open, I saw Sam lying in a bed, with a...

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University year (part5!)

We drive the long way to the University. We pull up and Sam locks the doors, we go into our rooms, say good night, Sam goes in his room, I go in my room. I see your ready for part 5! I am surprised you stayed tune for this long! We wake up ,seemingly,...

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Prologue-Southwater University

The freshmen were allowed to retreat back to their dorms early because an untimely power outage in university hall had forced them to cut the safety demonstration short, and only three furs seemed un-phased by the fact that they were all soaked to the bone

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Guardians of the (Multi) Universe

Guardians are of immense power, whereas Defender can destroy and create worlds, Guardians can do that to solar systems. Guardians can be of any race (or species) as specified before. They live for incredibly long lives, 1,000,000 years, no choice. As...

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Thoughts on Alternate Universes

Type 1 AU is the same universe as our own (i.e. here in the real world), which means that the characters of the universe could potentially be able to discover that they are, in fact, fictional (at least, in the point of view of those who "created"...


The Ghost of Toronto part 3

The hum of the sedan's engine was heard clearly by the occupants of the boarding house as the black car with tinted windows rolled to a stop at the end of the sidewalk, prompting all of those watching from the windows -all of them women of various...

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One and the Same - Journal Entry - Saturnii, July 13th, Year 1355

~ Saturnii, July 13th, Year 1355 of the Human Calendar I began studying memory spells today; perhaps something will help bring the dream into better focus. It was an idea my mate had when she stumbled upon a book in my collection, Dreams and...

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One and the Same - Journal Entry - Murcurii, July 3rd, Year 1355

~ Murcurii, July 3rd, Year 1355 of the Human Calendar I awoke with a terrible chill, it was that dream again. The fire and the steel, I can see it still so clearly, yet when I try to reflect further it vanishes. I do not know how long I have been...

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