Song- This is who I am

This is what i feel, when i feel, how i feel, now i feel, and this is when i bleed, when i cry, how i weep... yet this is who i am, yes i am, who i am, i am, and this is who i am, yes i am, who i am, that i am...


Lost Love

This one hurts worse, but it's a different kind of pain i know it's for the best, but still, i feel like i have been slain you know how i feel, my prince, and that won't change i can't forget about you, i will keep you in range but i know it cannot be,

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My Curse

I would ask myself this every time her name crossed my mind marissa, i am still here waiting for you alone and broken, i wish i could tell you what you wanted to hear if i could have one more chance to tell you how i feel just one chance, that moment

Support me~

You don't need to be gay just to know how i feel, but just some support would help me.

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Random Poetry

I was just in the mood to write about how i feel but had no idea how i'd use my characters for it... so i resorted to poetry. i won't expect this to attract much people... but i felt like sharing this with you guys anyway.


Vince and Rocky: PART TWO

_ why don't i just have the guts to tell him how i feel...? i'm so weak, i swear. anyone else would have told him... i know if i go sleep, i'll dream of him and wake up sad and frustrated.

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Defenses Down

It's like slicing right to the bone, because that's how i feel. i feel like my defenses, my skin itself has been flayed from my body. (i know it's a bad picture.) but i really can't help it.


Vince and Rocky: Chapter 2

_ why don't i just have the guts to tell him how i feel...? i'm so weak, i swear. anyone else would have told him... i know if i go sleep, i'll dream of him and wake up sad and frustrated.

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I can sense on how i feel, yet, my emotions were far too surreal. can this just go away?!? yelling, screaming, and violence all echo in my head. yelling, screaming, and punches all play in my head.

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Darkness before me

i feel wasted used and abused all i hear is your excuse you take until everything is used and leave nothing for me for me for me so hallow so empty i feel as if i am sinking deeper down into this well deeper down into my own hell this all consuming

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The Ballad of Murphy and Luna Wolf

how i feel of my mate. the ballad of murphy and luna wolf by carl blessing/murphy slaugh out of all of the furs in the entire fandom, what is it about this marten that made you choose me? i'm nobody special, i'm just an old marten.

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Night thoughts - 1. - Because why not

i feel, it surprises me like an old man how many just don't know, or care to, at the end of the day...

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