Tempers Are Rising
"so, i assure you, coming out, it's just like playing hide-and-seek. no matter where you hide, you'll take to come out of hiding, sooner or later." "very well. in this case, i'll use the second option."
Marshall's Love Adventure - Ch 4
Chase, rocky, and skye were all playing hide and seek. laughter could be heard from each of them after they were found.
the only loney guy in the world part2
They other kids then told him that they will play a new game with him. it was called hide and seek. they said that they would count and he would hide. kid:oh goody goody. i'm finally playing a game with somebody.
The Prohibited Zone (part 2)
And when he didn't reply right away: 'it's 9.06 am' _**a1: decide to play along and suggest to play a game of hide and seek, where she will hide and you will come seek her. what better opportunity for escaping could there be? b2: you're starving.
Red's Interesting Day Part 2
A) playing hide and seek. b) playing football outside. c) going up to his room and playing with his toys. d) accessing the computer again to look for funny videos to watch or games to play.
The Ancient Clock of the Mice
hide and seek was a mostly harmless game... but it technically meant calex was unsupervised until found... and an unsupervised werekitten could get himself into a lot of mischief.
The hill
On its slopes, games of war, games of tag, games of hide and seek were played out by friends long dead and my younger self.
Becoming: Part 8-Return
The children, however, were gleefully talking about their day of playing with their friends and their exciting games of tag and hide-and-seek. after dinner was over, the children were sent upstairs to prepare themselves for bed.
FnaJ: WTF!? (part 1)
Jack, the rabbit thought out loud that they should play a game" she continued "maybe hide and seek or maybe just some ta-a-ag...
Tyrannosaurs are peeping-Toms… and pranksters too
We tried playing hide-and-seek from my aunt in the store, but she was too-interested in clothes. so we played hide-and-seek from my aunt outside of the clothes store. we watched her leave the store with a worried-walk.
Chapter 6: Hidden Feelings
"well, should we play tag or hide and seek?" "hide and seek!" the other three replied. "can i join?" as i see cathy walk along the hall. i smiled and invited her. "ok!!"
Art Trade W RizaKiryu
Ferris's brother sure knew the best hiding spots when they played hide and seek. it would take him hours to locate his brother, or he'd admit defeat and his brother would run up with a big grin on his face.