Breaking the Mold - Ch 3

It was all so similar to what he was used to... but everything was a little... looser; more organic; more free form.

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The World of Actura (Worldbuilding)

There are the rebel wars: when a particularly megalomaniacal, power-hungry state chief councillor - the elected ruler of one of the authority's two hundred and sixty seven states, each the size of a medium country - breaks free form the laws and regulations

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Filling the Void - Chapter Twenty-four (and a half)

Varius sexuality was a picture best painted in wild, free-form strokes.

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* * * while the biggest benefit to this new form of employment was the free-form nature of it, that very benefit worked against it.

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Dizzy Twister 2: A Lunchbox and a Cutie Mark

Dizzy's mood sank a bit too, the realization that she now had to go learn about flying while inside a small classroom with chairs instead of free form practice.

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The Life of Another - Chapter 23

But that second question... it was free form and wow did i go off on a rant! oh god, they're probably reading it right now!" i grabbedmy pillow and buried my head under it in shame. nicklaughed and pulledup acorner of itto peek at me."why?

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We'll Always Have Coffee

I heard music -- soft, free-form, floating yet not soporific. slowly, a few sounds made themselves known from the area behind the counter. someone had to be working here; the place wouldn't be open if there were no one to run the joint.

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The Lion Has Landed

Dylan was following billy elliot's direction, when what he really needed and wanted was something more free-form, like jazz dancing. and it was aleksandr who showed that to him. have you seen him dance before?"

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The Elder God

Something brushed my legs and the vines were ripped free form their source.

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