Lumbear-Jack Drones

He did as instructed and found the point of meeting descripted in the e-mail of maximus. there, he met other 9 men, probably they were going to be his new coworkers.

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"spam, spam, spam, facebook, crap, spam...ugh" muttering to myself as i skimmed through, deleting all the unnecessary e-mails as i finally found of use, reading over it. my eyes drifted over the e-mail to one folder i always had on here.

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Why didn't i check my business e-mail? why didn't i check my college e-mail? dammit, i hope to god we don't need those text books today!

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Break A Leg Chapter Two

Well feel free to leave me feedback via e-mail or on aim, jimfoxhart

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Realms Of Fantasy Chapter 11: Beast Mode

Oddly, she responded by asking for my e-mail address. i gave it to her and put it out of my mind as our late party member finally showed up. the next day, i had a thousand dollars deposited into my payme account.

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All-Time High S1E8

"understood, and you can always contact me by phone or e-mail with other concerns," nodded kevin before kelly's parents leave. [back in detention...]

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What's Next?

, "i dance way better than you girls.", more notifications, more text, more e-mails, more ads, put away phone, look around, everyone on phones, taking pictures, texting, messaging, recording, laughing, loud ring, loud ring, loud ring, loud ring.

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$$ Writing Commissions Available $$

If you see a something that is not listed below, ask me via notesor e-mail to see if i can do your story or to plan your story.

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Drachen und Dinosaurier World Kapitel 3

Marco (dragon) es war schon zwei wochen her, seit ich genlabors schickte eine e-mail-warnung ihnen nicht, diese experimente wieder anfangen, ich hoffe nur, sie beachtet meine warnungen, wie ich nach new york zurückgekehrt war, um zu versuchen

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Writer's Block

He probably should check his e-mail. who knows? he may actually have something. it turned out he didn't. unless spam mail constituted as the beginning of a 'beautiful friendship'.

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Mail and sent a e-mail to my mom, knowing her, she would shout in my ear if i phoned it over. i wrote: "dear mom, it is with great pleasure that i've passed!" and added a link to the file. not much later, my mom called.


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