Nether Encyclopaedia: Deep Ones

While others resembling the deep water creatures like anglers and viper fishes. the deep fish look-alikes have a whole fish's body for a head, with a almost dehydrated human's body attached to it.

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 36 (The Land of Waves - Part 4)

Bloop... another drop of water echoed as it fell from the ceiling adding to ankle deep water that covered the floor. "you okay kid?"

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The Liger's Happy Days: Day 2

Exclaimed as he hopped onto the board and started to paddle out to deep, deep waters. past an island. "see isn't this amazing?" onmy? asked as he turned the board to look at the shoreline. "yeah it is, ca-can we go back now?"

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. \*\*\* sunset, in her dream, waded through waist deep water. the creek had been deeper than she expected. she pulled herself out of the freezing water onto the shore. taking off her shorts, she wrung them out.


Model Citizen (part 2)

He was sitting in the knee deep water and looked at himself. he was bleeding and covered in different sized cuts and punctures.

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The Wind Fell Soft

That had been what made her happy, and she quietly slid her feet through the deep sand and the deep water. she swallowed lightly, and gazed sweetly into the eyes of the the great dragon constellation, the one that lay upon this great world.

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The Transformation

. \*\*\*\*\* it felt as if i was floating in deep water, or space. i open my eyes to see nothing but pitch black. i could see my body just fine but nothing else. i floated a few more minutes in the dark until i heard a strange voice.

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Memento Mori -- Chapter 14

I turned in the deep water and looked around. i was dressed in all white again. the water kept me secure just beneath the surface as i turned and scanned for that wolf that inhabited this unrealistic dwelling. i felt something under me and looked down.

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Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Twenty Seven

Only, what waited for me below was worse than pounding waves and deep water. it was really, really angry wood. the dummies didn't know what to do, staring up at me as i swung back and forth just out of their reach.

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Wolfen - Chapter 2

The ground was covered by deep water that was so still, it looked as though it was made of glass. in the very center, there was a small island and on it grew a massive tree.

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New in Town

Then she saw that in addition to lifting a water truck high above its head, the monster was also standing in ankle-deep water pumping strongly from a nearby hydrant.

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Jeremy 037; Kaiju Sighting

Once he was out of the deep water he leaned down to get his bearings. with a puff of air to clear the fog away he saw the once large branch he'd used as a torch that still stood out of the sand. he reached down and plucked it out of the beach.

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