A Brief Overview of Runeterra

The need for runes is still present but runes need not be inscribed to be used.

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It can be used also against helicopters, but the lack of a guidance system makes hard hit targets in too fast movement.


Gnoll Brigand: Prologue IV

In the end, you settled on a small clearing to be used as a defensive arena. it provided little cover, but you had plans for it. the rest of your time was spent spying on the night watch, studying their patrols.

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WIP (continued)

_it can be used as a weapon when none better is present, or a wheel when carved correctly. it can be used to grind ingredients to dust for cooking or medical purposes..._ a wry smile pierced her scaled face.

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Hunting Death- Heading to Town

Meaning that he intends on potentially telling others everything he learned from me which can then be used against my own people.


Bani Lore! Bani Tails!!

The degree of the explosion can also be altered, either the bani wants it to just pop, causing a loud sudden noise, or if to be used as a flash bang, even to the degree of a mini nuke.


Into Chaos: Prologue

All art, text or any digital media belong to their characters and their artists only, and they are not to be used without their permission. posted by christel shard at 13:46 h on 2014-04-08. published with permission.

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Wasteland Survivor - Discovery - ch21

"combat arts will be useful, as we found with ryst and bri, but those others, the healing especially, will be useful beyond measure. our medical knowledge, even before the change, was imperfect at best.

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Wolfen - Chapter 18

Obviously, they are only able to be used once, so only use them when you absolutely need it." she picked up several scepters and staffs and handed them to verik. "these are not able to be used by any of you wolfen.

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What is The Lustful Melt Gag?

But this would not be the first time nor the last that this lustful melt gag would be used in animation.

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Thirteen Tales 2020 Sign Ups Open

August is just being used to collect information and get everyone matched up.

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