Chapter 3 - The Perfect Picnic
It was a whole new world for the both of them. for rainbow, she had admired her betters such as spitfire or soarin', and she loved her friends dearly. but she had never been in love with someone. rarity had always been beautiful, even to dash herself.
Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 4
After being shunned his entire life, to have so many extend their hands in friendship, it was like suddenly being reborn into a whole new world, the scope of which was unfathomable to him.
The Spotted Blur meets the Soul Mama
He got de talent, but ya about to enter a whole new world." erik looked puzzled. "i have been through a lot in my life. i will learn while i play."
JUXTAPOSITION Chapter 5 - Transport Vehicles
So she gave that to him, helped him see the truth, shared with him the experience of discovering a whole new world filled with snow, car lights, rain, thunder, paper bags flying in the wind.
A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 2 - Spirits -
"this entire place is beautiful, it is a whole new world to me. i have never seen something so magnificent, well... besides you," james said, grinning. alex licked him affectionately and stared back into the pool.
Meet & Greet - Part II
Everytime another story develops, everytime some random song sets off a train of thought that leads to a whole new world, everytime i figure out where one chapter should lead, a wall gets pushed back.
All Things Quiet And Sweet Alt Ending 6 - Twenty Percent Cooler
And so the finalgamer was sucked into a whole new world, another world far far away. the pony-related items he had collected were all laid out upon a table, somewhere yet nowhere. and he was never heard from again.
University Story - Chapter 1
His first day in a whole new world! it's natural to be nervous though, after leaving so much behind. he was one of the few kids in his high school to leave to go to university. lots of kids either went right into working, or went to the local college.
This was a whole new world for her, one of seemingly endless possibilities that she quickly found herself invested into. she could still remember staying up for the entire night, pouring through that book and even testing a few spells out.
Pandemic-Day 34 1:15 PM 12/25/2022-Chapter 4-Bandit
To 9 year-old rafael, it is a whole new world. they must use all resources and any means, to survive the treck through a dark, plague hallowed usa. "there's someone up there",raf said sounding kind of shocked.
Pandemic-Day 34 9:49 AM 12/25/2022-Chapter 3-Wasteland Surprises
To 9 year-old rafael, it is a whole new world. they must use all resources and any means, to survive the treck through a dark, plague hallowed usa. the blizzard lasted three days.
Pandemic-Day31 5:15 AM 12/22/2022-Chapter 2-Snowed In
To 9 year-old rafael, it is a whole new world. they must use all resources and any means, to survive the treck through a dark, plague hallowed usa. i woke the next morning to a dark, chilly hotel room.