Life in Yiggow Chapter 6

Rippling through the frat house was 80's nostalgic music "do you really want to mate me by the vulture club." the groans and screams of the other furs echo throughout the house and then the music suddenly ceased.

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Morning Walk in Warerfront Park (WIP)

The agouti husky was at least in his late 80's (which was still rather young for the husky society as they age much slower than humans), one could tell that he was well experienced just by looking right into his eyes.

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Music review - I swear I saw your mouth move by I've made too much pasta

God of outer space musically an homage to 80's space rock bands and the ziggy stardust era of david bowie's career, using effects heavy synths for a more ethereal texture to the now familiar band arrangement.

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turning point

The final confrontation of optimus prime and megatron generation 1 movie just a scene i been working on lately thought i would pass it your way its a real history making kind of scene from the 80's transformers movie the very final moments of the

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Spyro: Return of Darkness, Chapter 16 -- Two Down...But It's Far From Over

I apologize, but 17 may have to wait like this one did while i study to pass my final final (my average right now is in the 80's-90's tho so i'm not terribly worried).

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What Does It Take for a Wish to Come True?

People are living into their 80's and 90's now, and 76 is far too young -- dad was only 79. frankly, mom is the only one who can put her hand on me and quiet my troubled mind.

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An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 8-Tess

I turned around to see josh leaning on the wall like he was some 80's punk. "you try to hard bro",dj said smiling. josh smiled and turned the music up,making a motion with his fingers,like what tristan does.

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Furries University Chapter 5: BONZAI!!!!

The show that was on the tv was a documentary on an old 80's band that compromised of a bunch of bisexual rabbits who ended up disbanding after the guitarist was discovered using heroine and that was after it went downhill for the band as they started having

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It was in the low 80's ... and all the furs (in these here parts) had long since gotten up. had dived clear into the day. including adelaide. and a sound in the porch. a screen door opening and closing. a doorknob being turned.

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Story of my life

Sure, eighties music isn't that old, but it's before my time, so i consider 80's and before oldies.

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An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 11-The Party

Dad turned on some of his 80's music as he drove through town to the pizza place. we parked beside dj's truck and went inside.

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The Hadfield Robbery

While a mishmash of 90's, 80's, 70's and 60's locomotion was perhaps to be seen as poor showing, these were at least built for and to the needs of the network it currently operated for.

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