Hypnovember Day 7 - Gaze

I'm very fond of wandering these little loamy lanes. this forest is a good place to be lost in, to be sure." you don't take your eyes off his, even as you keep a friendly distance. you ask him his name again. "oh, it's caelen.

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Not Quite Like You [One-Hour Story]

He would sometimes wander away when no one was looking to a ridge where he could see the dens made of wood that the two-leggeds built. he liked to watch their pups play together long into the afternoon before he'd have to make his way back home.

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The Guardian Part 1 [One-Hour Story]

One day the boy was wandering the familiar woods around his home, content to amble and examine every manner of shrub and plant when he spotted a green butterfly with speckled, blue spots.

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Somewhere In The Cypress

"so why'd you wander way out here, then? it's five miles to the nearest gas station. has bathrooms, too, i hear." "well, i..." he paused, then tried again.

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Burdens - Chapter 119: Red

He slowly wandered toward the bathroom, each step giving him a little more confidence as his muscles began to wake up and stretch. his legs had felt extremely stiff, but he was regaining his ability to walk normally.

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The Darkness Before Dawn

I got up slowly and wandered over, the smells making my mouth water. "oh hey aiden, didn't mean to wake ya up, but sheryl's stove doesn't work.

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His creative work wandered between the outdoors and the urban jungle, and it was easy to let his thoughts wander. prescott had discovered something else while out and about, focusing on his paws.

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Vargothen - New Beginnings - Session 1

I may be able to cast a spell or two, but few of my spells are capable of harming any form of life, let alone the abominations and undead that wander these wastes..." "but you are a werewolf... right?

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[Story] Sed the Elder of Issad: In Abun - By Kalibran

If anything, i am happy that you have found my royal gardens enjoyable enough to be at ease and allow your mind to wander. although, it seems to have wandered to dark places... you do not need to explain yourself to me."

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 24

"why did you let yukiomaru wander the halls like that?" she asked, not sure if she was angry or simply curious. "my apologies, tang fa," answered fury and didn't say anything else.

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All's Fair - Part 7

Quietly i slid off the couch and wandered outside for a while, then came back, thanked dan and halo again, and went to bed. the new room made my nightmares worse, and i woke up twice that i remember.

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Chapter 10: Sharak\'Thal

As they wandered around the city, sar'kal began to notice people here and there staring at him. it got to be so bad that he finally stopped and said to tian'shal and korek, "we should find a place to stay for the night.

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