Big Brothers to Little Sisters

Timothy tried to ride around the puddle to avoid getting his clothes wet, but it was muddy and the little raccoon soon became stuck with his bike's rear wheel spinning uselessly, slipping in the muck. "friendly!" cried timothy, "i'm stuck!"

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Thirteen Tales (2019): Seventh Tale

Kit stuck his tongue out at the older kid. "ah come on! don't be like that! let's keep going!" p.j. wasted no time jumping to the recliner next, putting him right next to the bookshelf.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 69

_you are a healer, bethany,_ her mother's voice came floating out of the depths of her mind, like it almost always did when she got stuck. _you promised to help people, no matter what._ but how!?

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Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 48

Leaves and seeds and grains of sand blew against his body, tapping against his clothes, getting stuck in his sleeves, his socks, his hair, just about everywhere they could find purchase.

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When Worlds Come Together

We were stuck in some sort of giant alley with no cover. the first dragon that happened to walk down the alley would be able to easily see us.

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Pawpad Retreat

Becca stuck out her tongue. "and i got closer to him that you did to the birds! so that's baaaark! woooof!" it was at this exact moment her face finished stretching into a muzzle. she was now 100% dog. "woof?"

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Not Quite an Animagus

He stuck his tongue out at deven. "you sure? cause even from my height it must be quit a fall for you." deven stuck his tongue right back at zach. "f-fine!" zach tried not to laugh. "put me on your head then.

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Thirteen Tales From Another World: Eleventh Tale

As he opened his window and stuck his head out to get a good look around. and then he saw it. an actual flying saucer.

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Big Rig Truckin': Kimi

Seems as though on the way home, zemar got his truck stuck. he either got bullied to the side of the road, lost traction or blew a tire.

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Not being able to find a vacant seat i stuck my head into one of the seats. sitting there staring out the window was a girl whom looked about my age (15). she was wearing a pale pink dress, white high heals, and had a white clutch.


Chapter 1

The report was that there were children stuck in the elk lake. that was all that they got from her that was not gibberish. when cops came in they found something out of the twilight zone.
