Nujema: The First Stop
She told me this was a rather old city that is mostly know for its rest station now and that the city and rest station are ran by the miceki people. her sister is in charge of the lower classes along with a few others.
Shattered Hopes & Broken Dreams - Part 1: Quiet Contemplation
However what the feed showed was the station surrounded on all sides by minbari cruisers as fighters strafed the station, knocking out turrets and subsystems.
Lost Into the Past Chapter 10
"anyways, it's about time we head to the station. you ready to go?" he asked. "mhm! let's go!" nathan exclaimed, hopping up and down. mr. conductor took his hand and soon started walking out and heading to the train station.
Deific Day Out
Bre lowered the tiny station between her breasts: a fitting golden chain formed around the station and stretched upward around her neck.
Zootopia: First Salvo part 6
"bow watch on station." "stern watch on station." "main deck port side watch on station." "main deck starboard side watch on station."
Chapter 5- Starting All Over Again
Then he gets a call from the police, asking him to come to the station and identify the men. as carlos left to the police station, sara received a call from the police. she was told that they have her husband is in jail for attempted murder.
Rebirth ch5
The two of us walked behind the nurses station, and i saw her flip a switch on the desk. "relief nurse to the nurses station. relief nurse to the nurses station." said a voice over the intercom.
: station analysis insight" my voice became nervous as the mapping of the station came into my vision showing all the parts of the station including a space in-between it and the planet showing me drifting at a high velocity towards the planet, suddenly understanding
The Dawn of a New Age: Trials and Tribulations - Act1/Chapter4
While all of this happened, i simply stood there just trying to sort my thoughts, wondering what our next course of action should be after we successfully escape the station.
Consortium 1-2: Shipment of Nothing Chapter 3
They don't really get any say in what the fleet does and would not change the primary purpose of this station.
Borrowed Space, Part 1 [Patreon Commission]
Like a hive, always bustling, always in action, little pods and smaller ships constantly coming and going both to the earth's surface below and further out into space, the intersectional on-station transit system buzzing all across the surface of the station
Stakes in Space (Otherwise Untitled)
All was well; the ship still in covert mode and the sprawling construction of the currently abandoned space station lay some distance away.