High School Dilemma Chapter 2
"actually, i'm a senior this year," i answered. "shut up! you are not!" "i am." sylvia shook her head and fanned herself with her hand. "a senior who is both cool and a chef wrapped in one adorable fox? someone pinch me i must be dreaming. yow!"
Romantic Purrsuits #2
And she'd gotten married in her senior year? would that make bridget... she had to count the years to guess the young woman's age, but blake had turned six this year. was she 24 years old?
Chapter 15: Shirdan's Resolution
The senior members give you a chance of redemption, so you have two choices. if you accept my offer, you will follow our rank, but you'll be under constant watch by me. if you refuse, we will give you an hour for you to leave us alone.
Terminology and Names
It is a group of highly senior officers who propose, discuss, and vote on matters of great importance to the military and the nation.
I, Dacien Chapter 9: Realignment
"it is a matter for the senior generals; a senior general appoints himself acting regent, with a mandate of confirming an actual regent, who then oversees the more serious matter of selecting the next patriarch.
Demigod Chronicles Chapter 1: Curse of the Sunken City
There were two other campers in cabin one with hir, one of which was tamaias rains, the senior councilor who was almost eighteen now.
The Three Apprentinces
Whether that's annoying the senior warriors or listening to battle stories in the elder's den." palestar purred. "sagekit, from this point on until you earn your warrior name you'll be known as sagepaw and your mentor shall be iceface."
A Change of Pace
"good, it's your senior year, you need to go into it with an open mind and be ready for all kinds of new and exciting experiences." "hmm..." sebastian thought. "maybe it won't be so bad..."
Dexter & Lacey: Day of Despair
"say it and i'll stop," he may have been a wolf, and a few months her senior, but he was very short for his age. looking at him you would see a very young woof, standing around 4 foot 5; his fur was like an onyx stone, shining brightly in the sun.
Transmutare Fabrica Chapter 4
Captain i'd like you to meet two of my senior officers. this is lt. commander m'tark larn and commander rena gattes." beckman smiled and shook their hands. "nice to meet you. captain, i'd like you to meet my officers.
Chapter 5
All the squad leaders and rtos were in a meeting with the senior commander, colonel friz snowpaw, right now. our current orders were to wait for the m1 abrams tank column, which consisted of about six tanks.
The Waters of Caladan
In this manner although luther was nehal's senior by a month she looked a good year maybe two older than him. ovlea gave a sharpness of mind to most that borders on a temporary high.