Father figure - Chapter 5: The one who knows...

Jenny leans over towards jim seductively and whispers in his ears, "i know the truth." then she walks away to join her friends as they move on to the next class. jim's whole body freezes, the cats out of the bag so to speak.

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Chapter 16 - Corruption

Aries struggled against the vines as galladia moved closer and closer to him, she walked very slowly and very careful almost like she was trying to seduce him with her long black hair and high-heeled shoes that taps on the glass.

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Paradox - Chapter 1

"i am kolana, one of the high interrogators lockwood had asked for; don't think some flirty general of his armada will seduce me, when i am the seductress and painful maiden of all the armadas!"

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Hypnovember Day 14 - Metronome

There was no other explanation for the ease with which he followed the seductive swing and ticking. silas' soft, unintelligible mumbles and whispers helped. his jaw was hanging open again, but this time he couldn't close it.

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Zootopia movie script: Point 223 Act 7 last part

Scene: kimba comes out with a towel wrapped around him and leans seductively against a wall... kimba: what's in the bag? jaguar: cat toys....extra punch kat nip.....tasty treats....and this cute diaper. could you put this on?

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Brewing Potions

Jensen had spoken, sultry notes heavy in her speech, "what do i owe the _pleasure_? here for the usual?" brutus shook his head. "no, ma'am.

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Some Kind of Monster: Prologue

When he spoke, it was like listening to a woman's sultry moan resonating behind the fact that he was still male beneath all those clothes. when _he_ moaned, the sound of an angelic choir hummed in unison, as seemingly innocent as the day was long.

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Phase 3 - Vertigo

.**" she winked at him and strode away, tail swishing seductively behind her. - tressil watched his assistant with lusty slitted eyes, letting off a soft low growl when she finally moved out of hearing distance. some day...

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Nothing But Love (Chapter 6)

If he wanted to make it through this unsexed, he was going to have to work harder at not seeming available or seductive to the bull.

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Lion King III: the Pridelands Reborn Chapter IV

As lati emerged from the water, i winked at him, strutting towards him alluringly, and said seductively, "hmm... come and find out." **simba's pov:** i thought kiara was a hassle when she was _little_!

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Seeking Forgiveness

She kissed him on the nose and spoke in a sultry tone. "for the first time i'm not scared to fully know you, but as much as i worry about you knowing me, i know that i want you, and that i want to give you a family."

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Frightening a Wolf

He asked seductively, and he lightly touched jeff's side. jeff jumped forward as if shocked, his fur standing up. will in turn jumped back in surprise, though not as severely as jeff. when jeff looked back at will, there was panic in his eyes.

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