Curse Claws Ch. 1 Fear Incarnate
That was the only way to describe the scene in front of clay as he charged across the battlefield, bullets, dirt and body parts flying all around him.
Toni's Diary Entry #7 - The Universe vs. the Six-Inch Monster
The scene that they all saw was horrifying, the bodies of men, women, and even children were everywhere they looked.
Theatre of War
"they'll get you back where you need to be before the next scene, if you want to run off." "oh... no, i don't doubt that." his hands were clasped, wringing. big tail twitching. "you're harley stone." "i am."
The dream of mine
One, if looking from the scene's view point, went to the left, while the other was straight forward.
Forge of Heroes - Ruminations
The scene shifted, and kar'na saw another horrible scene. myra and aryn, sweat-soaked and dusty, were hard at work in a mine, where torches flickered along the walls. surrounding the reptilians, were many other individuals, mostly ch'kiliil.
Bright Eyes Never Die pt. 5 - Stripped Gloves
(and now for that damn sex scene you all have been asking for) (to be finished. i'll add in a sex scene after this one, i promise.)
Victorian Murder Mystery
"the scene is undisturbed, haversham?" "aside from the victim, the scene is pristine," replied haversham. "the victim is howard davies, a male human, age forty-eight. he owned this bakery." "good, thank you. we shall leave no clue undiscovered."
Boy Scouting: A Baby Blue Short
"i saw you two during the scene play workshop. i liked your costumes. a lot. i think you'd find you can take your interests to an entirely new level.
Bone King: Drunken Shenanigans [Pre-Apocalypse]
He screamed at no one in particular, and no one in particular responded as the scene playing out before them was too much to ignore.
Chapter 15 - Pushing the Limits
Wanda had another scene to go. once her cut stopped bleeding, pacidy applied some fake blood. the scene was being filmed in a gazebo to the side of the estate house.
Caught in the Storm: 1 (Redo)
He glanced over the whole scene unfolding and scoffed while picking his teeth with his claw, "by the end of the day, everyone's goin' to look so stupid because this is nothin' more than a huge prank."
Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire, Part 34
In the distance i hear sirens as the emergency services race to the scene. i kneel down and lower tony's now lifeless body into wolverine's arms, wolverine steps back as i stand to make the jump clear of the wreckage.