Phoenix - Chapter 5 - Sunday
His muzzle hangs open for a few seconds, and the scarlet fox does not move even after he closes his jaw. his eyes follow daron as he stands from his chair and walks over to the fox boy.
Rio Remembers
It's a huge scarlet macaw, fluffy and fat. it stands up with a straight posture, just like a man. its curved beak opens into what might be called a grin, as if it's reveling in your confusion.
Ragnarok - III
They ring no more with scarlet laughing flags. they echo not the peal of sparring arms, nor cries of joyful brotherhood of war. they were not always silent.
Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Ten
scarlet with your mother for havin' ya!" "this is all just so..." he paused, then looked at aesop. _"what?"_ "i just be twoodle-oodlin' ye in the ol' bunderswump, ya great october swiddlepea!" ethan stared at him for a few seconds.
Clarity - Chapter 5: Breadcrumbs
I'll put it away later, i just... all i want here is me, my soft, scarlet nightgown, and those warm blankets over me as i rest against my pillow. some time later, i feel relaxed, though i've yet to fall asleep. hmph... at least i'm warm.
The Bedtime Story
Lowering his ears, he only nodded, his face turning a scarlet color. his fur covered it, but not much, and his friend broke into giggle-fits as he saw it. "awwwww... how cute! the puppy is in loooooooove."
Love is Color Blind Chapter 8: The Morning After
Kuyomi began to blush scarlet, embarrassed at the chance that pepper probably saw what they did, but if she did, she didn't say it. "i hope i'm not interrupting anything." she began. "good morning you two. kuyomi, how're you feeling?"
Amber Silverblood: Rogue Wolf, Chapter Forty Eight
The scarlet runes exploded with light, turning the entire mineshaft the color of blood. its power surged through me like fire and lightning. even hendricks seemed surprised by this, going so far as to take a step backwards.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Destruction- Chapter 1- Morning At The Guild
He opened his scarlet eyes wide, but gave the morning light a chance to burn his little eyeballs out.
A Passage of Time
They were partially obscured by the coil of lily's tail thrown over his belly, but he could see well enough to make out the paw-prints of purple paint scattered up and down the scarlet scales of his tail and haunches.
1) Prologue
When it subsided his white paw was covered with drops of scarlet. breathing heavily he rang a silver bell beside his bed. within moments his personal healer, dulac, entered the room carrying a silver bowl.
The Last Tale- Chapter Four
I pushed with all of my might and sprayed a jet of piss all over his scarlet-furred underbelly.