Westfurd University| Chapter 1
\*grunt\* i ruined it... **osen** - ruined what? **zarblu** - my first impression with the new girl. damnit! i don't even know her name! **osen** - since when do you care about impressing others? **zarblu** - oh shut up!
Red Storm Ch. 6
To that ruin! now!" he ordered, and the four furs ran for the ruined building where misha stood. "flanking routs." misha pointed. "there's more soviet infantry out there. perhaps going in our direction?"
The Outlander 3 24
He had been out of his village helping to fight the stormvermin, but upon his return the children and other villagers were slaughtered and the houses were ruined and set on fire.
Battle in the North
As korelgan ran, the snow began to change to cold stone bricks as he reached the ruined steps that lead up to the ruins of the skarith skyshrine. korelgan began to breath heavier as he moved over to the beacon.
Chapter Ten Returned to Life and Complete Insanity
I just walked into my room and saw it was in ruins too. the only thing to survive was my nintendo switch and its games i took them i don't know how they survived but i was happy they did something left of my life. "what happened?"
Wasteland Warrior – Character Introduction
The clothes he wears where more or less what he has found in the ruins of the city and a military outpost.
"you ruined me, ruined our boy, ruined..." "he has a name." askeila snarled back and her husband lifted her higher so that even reaching with her toes, she couldn't find the floor. "please, brout. don't hurt..." his arm jerked.
The Guilded Cage, Ch 13
Cina reminded everyone that they were supposed to see dorias through the ruins, and they had done just that. in the end, however, clarke the wolf, newest of their group, managed to plead dorias' case better than the yak.
Annun - Pathfinder Custom Race
Upon arriving back in monolith valley, the adventuring group discovered only the ruins of their once grand stone city.
Iconoclast reboot part 5
It is narrower and steeper, and as we move northeast we see a great cliff to the right, and then ruins along the base.
Born Anew: Chapter 3
#3 of born anew: tails from a world in ruin chapter 3 of my story, enjoy. let me know what you think.
Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapter Seventy Seven
It was as if asterbury was reassembling a fortress not from one ruin, but from many. purple water ran down slime-crusted walls, and gushed out of holes and broken windows.