Some Night
What if my roommate sees us? what if it's even more awkward than this bar scene? these thought i shook away, i can't worry about that right now, i got to drive back.
Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.10: Mall Brawl - Ep01
"well, i took your advice and asked rinami to be my roommate and she accepted. she moved in late last night.
I'll Give You A Hand - Chapter 2
I grab the slip out and take a look at it, room 204 and my roommate is fennick martin. i look to the closes door around and see room 150. i sigh because this means i live on the second floor.
Raquel's Trade Pt. 1
"my roommate going to flip, though." "she's not the only one," patricia cautioned. "'taurs are rare enough, but a two-headed fur? i would get used of being stared at, if i were you."
Poke U: A Lesson Learned
Heart is my roommate and he was just trying to calm myself down so that i don't have a panic attack or something like that." professor sol smiled. "heh, i see. well i guess you have a good roommate then.
GoM-Ep16-The Date-
So alexandria had invited brian over to do some studying with some roommates, and throughout the course of the evening he started to become a lot more friendly with her.
Natural Habitat Interviews 2: Jybian
I wasn't sure if i was going to stop changing, or if i was going to have to explain to each new roommate just what was going on, and hope that they could cope with my "alternate self."
Rexville 15: Online Tournament Part 1
"yeah, you play as my roommate and natasha's boyfriend," sol explained.
A Silent Soul- Chapter 11 (Adult Version)
_my mom died, i moved in with my best friend, moved out into the dorms, and met my roommate that had somehow beca__me my new boyfriend.
KoD-Ep3-Carrying out the plans-
The part that was intentional or not was how different my roommate's personalities were that clashed with each other for every target he asked us to kidnap.
GoM-Ep14-New Magic-
After cleaning up he went to sleep and during the video call with his brothers he showed off his new fully healed eye, and during breakfast he showed his roommates what he did as well.
GoM- Ep3-Welcome to SIU
It was there he would meet his roommates: aaron,felix,zack,freddie,jermey,finn, milo and cedric.