I'll Give You A Hand - Chapter 2
When Riley enters his first day at the university, how does Riley act? Is he afraid, happy, sad? And who is this mysterious tiger that watches him? Only Riley's Expereience will tell.Author Note
So I am back, again, this time hopefully for good. I will try to post content regularly and have a whole bunch ready for this summer and late spring. I am sorry for the long wait but I will do my best to stay on top of my "A" game.
Chapter 2
The Experience
Down they came like bombs being dropped on battle field. One after another constantly making sounds like explosions. The aftermath of each droplet was spread across the windshield by the window wipers. They had to be moved or else I couldn't see the road. I was driving to my new home Fox State University or FVSU. This is where I can make my dream come true, this is where I can prove that I am more than a simple farmer from a small town. I will become the best Author the world has seen. I passed by several cars as I was cruising on the highway. I was excited to meet new furs and experience a big city for the first time. What is it like I wondered. Maybe it will have a giant mall, or a park, maybe even some clubs to get my groove on. More importantly how will I find my way? So many ideas and questions, I just wish I knew what everything was like already so I can stop being so hyper.
As I continued on down the highway I looked up and saw my exit, Exit 234 Fox City. I turned on my blinker and quickly switched lanes over and got into the lane for the exit. This is it I am here! As I get off the exit there was a red stop light. This gives me a moment to look at the scenery and the first thing I saw was the big sky scrapers, they seemed to go on forever, and the people. There were so many of them roaming the streets. They were going in and out of stores, crossing the walkways, and even arguing. It was a sight for me to see, I had never seen anything like this before. Coming from a small farming community the biggest building we had was super market. Everything was so lively here that I didn't notice that the light turned green. I was being honked at from behind which startled me; this was new too being honked at in a city, it was thrilling.
I continue on forward reading the directional signs pointing out the university. There were many turns, left, left, right, right, left. The turns never seemed to end, but finally there she was, FVSU. Fox Valley State University was bigger than I imagined it to be. The facility must have stretched on for miles. It looked like its own city from here. I find FVSU drive way and I begin to pull in. The college kids were moving boxes into buildings, talking to each other on blankets on the grass, other were simply just standing around. As I drove further there were things that resembled my home town's fruit market. Instead of goods to sell there were furs trying to get other furs to sign up for classes and clubs.
When I finally found my parking spot, E-98, and parked I got out and took a wff of the college air. It smelled like crispy leaves and despair. I turn and walk to the back of my car and open up the hatch. I grab a box and walk to what apparently is my dorm building. The door was wide open so I just walk on through. As I start to look around for my room I remember the piece of paper in my pocket. This contains my room number and my room mate. I grab the slip out and take a look at it, room 204 and my roommate is Fennick Martin. I look to the closes door around and see room 150. I sigh because this means I live on the second floor. I start to move down the hallway in front of me looking for the stairs. As my journey through the hall is working many doors were opened contacting student hanging up posters, organizing the room, or chatting, some even glance at me. When side conversations aside I the stairs. The approaching doom of climbing a fleet of staring everyday will be agonizing, but I have to do it. I take my first step and look up, here I go. The march up the stairs didn't need much motivation but later on I have a feeling it will. When I get to the top I look at the first number of the first room I see, which is 200. I look a little to the left and I see: 201, 202, 203, and my room 204. I rise up from the rest of the stairs and walk to my room. I open up the door with anticipation. I look inside. There was a window directly in front of me. To the left and right were two single beds. Each side of the room had their own desk. The was no bathroom so I assumed it was a separate room. I walk in and claim the bed to the left. I set my box on top of the bed and turn around. I march all they way back to my car. I pass all the students who were doing what they needed to be doing, or wanted to. As I step outside the college kids were actively doing what I was doing or just walking all over the place. College is something different.
I proceed to make three trips back and forth carrying multiple boxes and bags on one go. On my last trip to my car I realize that there was a white tiger staring at me from across the way. He had been doing this for a bit. I had no clue if he was staring off into space or at me, but I just rolled with it. With my boxes set up in my room I hammer away at unpacking. Placing my clothes in drawers that were located under the bed. The drawers seemed to be built into the frame. I also hang all the shirts in the closet as well. Once everything was settled I took the boxes and threw them away in a trash can outside the room. It was filled with many boxes from other students too. When I re entered the room I layed down on my new bed and took a deep breath. I stayed like this for a few moments contemplating where I am and where I came from. These thoughts very random and brought on the topics of me wondering if I had an accent or a good enough car. My car was good enough, right?
After the few moments were up I decided a walk around campus would be a good idea. I could familiarize myself of the campus, besides I have to sign up for classes anyway. I get up and walk out of the room. I shut the door behind me with a small thud. I walk down the stairs and through the hallway. I get outside and happily start walking around. I was heading to where I saw those stands from earlier. As I cross the street I noticed that the tiger was watching me still. It was creepy, but I continued on. The sidewalks were very nice, smooth and clean, sharply cut edges, this school really cares about appearance. I look up from the sidewalk and look to my left and saw a picnic area with students sitting down and eating. I look forward and see the stands, excitedly I walk a little bit faster to my destination. The first stand I get to is the class sign up stand. I fill out what I'd like to take, courses that relate to journalism and the basics. Journalism...I know I want to be an author but if that plan fails I could always be a journalist as a back up. I browse through rest of the stands looking for clubs or sports that interested me. I walked for a good ten minutes before I saw the LGBT club. I walked over to it and was surprised to see that same white tiger from earlier. He began to speak when I came up, "Gay are you?"
I wasn't offended but shocked that was such an easy question for him to ask. I reply with a stutter, "Uh, y-yes, I am. I am gay." That was such a stupid response.
"Good our club could use more fine, fine members." He sort of winked a bit. I could tell my face was beginning to light up. Just remain calm I thought to myself. He started to speak while I stood there awkwardly, "What is your name so I can add you to the list?"
"My name is Riley, Riley Thomas."
"Okay Riley," he said. "My name is Jeff Lovalski. We meet up on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 6:30-8:00pm in the Courtyard. Do not worry snacks and drinks will be provided."
I stand there looking him up and down. He was very attractive. Jeff had these blue eyes that made you want to steal the gem from within. He was also fit but with a small amount of tubbiness. He was taller than me by a few inches but I didn't mind, it gave me something to look up to. If I had a boyfriend this would be him. Jeff gave me a funny look that I saw through my trance It brought my back to reality with my face going red and a bit of freaking out. Now I was the weirdo for staring.
"Uh uh, yeah okay cool. I'll uh be there. Nice....to meet you?"
I walk away quickly from the scene, That was so bad, I'm sure he thought I was weird, Nevertheless it was getting late. The sun was drooping in the sky like a child's tired eyes. From certain angles the sky looked sheberty like home. I kind have made me homesick, it also reminded me of my dad and how I didn't let him finish what he was going to say. What was he going to say?
I approach my dorm building and go inside, The door shut behind me and I marched forward passing through the rooms with student sleeping, watching television, or on the electronic devices. I climbed the stairs and turned left. When I turned I noticed there were two keys tied around the knob of my door by a piece of string. I snatch both keys and open the door. Maybe my roommate is here I though. When the door was all the way open I looked around and saw nothing but my somewhat messed up bed. I approach the bed and lied down. I stared at the sealing and again was drifted away in though. This time my thoughts were not about what other people thought, but in fact how my day went. All I could think of was what an experience.