Typheks Origins
With the little known, typhek has been recorded throughout history. for good and for bad. but for him, his time on our planet has just begun. and that the stories that follow will only induce typhek himself.
Point proven
Z dragon: seriously smuttymutt: dogato: holy shit 03:26raidenraijin: smuttymutt: ^ smuttymutt: new record for longest post ive seen on here raidenraijin: smuttymutt: really, i thought coon held that record dogato: 
Aurora Sitka Chapter 1
That must be a pack record." "i don't really care about the record; i just wanted to prove myself, to myself." "you've proven yourself to me, too - yet again.
Black Box
._ _it's a little black box,_ _a record of emotion,_ _everything that ever was.
The dream crossed twilight between birth and dying.
"by all means it would." he paused, as he flicked on the scanners, "computer begin recording: subject 1004-cervinoid female, alive. official birth 1 april 2135; 0833 hours..."
Character History - Ero The Undying
By all accounts, not least his own, ero has a very long colourful military record but it pales in comparison to the length and colour of his criminal record.
Don't go to school tomorrow
I hear a doorbell being broken i all the classroom's door and almost 300 wolves appeared full of blood on their muzzle leaving a puddle of blood, i got in a locked and waited for them to pass recording everything, the pack was gone enough time to
The Hologram
He checked the projector and noticed that the file has been tagged as a recording. he investigated the logs and sure, this was not there, five minutes earlier. did she record a message in less than a minute? reluctantly, he played it back.
Grandpa's Request - Writing Prompt from Manchesterite
By focusing on a few select customers we can deliver better and more reliable servi-" "no bank would give a loan for this, not with your credit record.
A Green Thumb
Rodney has a bad record of causing all sorts of accidents and mishaps while trying to massage serling. but this time, he's been extra careful. this time things are sure to go as planned. right?
No Light to be Seen: Chapter 9
You won't hear from me for a short period of time after this recording is done._** i heard a click meaning the recording was done.
Lonely Oak Chapter 30
In music class they were doing recorders. each student was given their own recorder that was actually recycled every year.