The Slayer and the Sphinx: Chapter Twenty
The guards of reaper's wait were the weakest slayers in his ranks. unfit for true duty, he assigned them to watch over prisoners that he, himself, had long since broken, and no longer needed guarding.
He smashed his scythe into the ground, muttering a dark curse, "reapers dance!" blades shot out from the ground, cutting the black creatures to ribbons.
Sky Dogs
I would tease kai occasionally, saying how he looked like the grim reaper in wolf form. he didn't take that comment too kindly. i recall there being plentiful whining and tears; the canine finally told me about his fear of hell.
The Saga of Fidonhaal - Daughters of the East - Bestiary (Appendix Sample 1)
**_morlovaar_** - also known as death guardians, reapers or valkyries, these entities are one of two beings that were born from the union of morinaar and vitahla.
Chimerical 122
It's called 'reaper's march' for a reason." nish scoffs. "mhm... and the birthmark?" fjorn retorts. "...what?"
All the things we leave behind. Pt1
The air of hopelessness hung thick and heavy, as if the grim reaper was standing behind my stepdad with his scythe at the ready.
Nobody's Servant, Part 17 - Cover To Cover
One doesn't simply steal a holy site, let alone mash two of them together, let alone do that without either god involved noticing, so suraokh's method of sticking someone with a reaper blessing still eludes me.
Crusader Part 5
Elvo says "whatever hit that planet came from the uncharted region known as the reaper sector, no ship has ever come out of there."
A Serpent, a Sword, and a Dragon
He was truly terrible to behold, with his eyes held wide with adrenaline and with an inner fire that was akin to that of the reaper himself.
Tails of a Cloud Skunk Ch 1: A Home Away from Home
reaper malk. that was the ticket. matthew plucked the book from among its brethren and strode toward his front door, out into the sickly embrace of a humid floridian summer night.
Forge of Heroes - Ruminations
Could one lunge out and stop the reaper as he carried about his grim duty? to bind death, would be to bind eternity. and death was the one concrete in life.
Jewel of the Spring #1
What reasons did the grim reaper have ti over look me? is there any kind of real purpose to my life? as i walked inside she was talking to a couple of the elder monks. though she did see me looking around, out of the corner of her eye.