A Dream: Chp 18 Betrayl
If at all possible i'd like it to look like some of the artwork, cartoonish style drawings mixed with anime and realistic(ish) shading.
Lost Temple
He'll definitely be wanting to at least attempt to translate some of the documents if possible to see how realistic the claims may be.
In the Negative: Chapter 14
Despite what the realists said, they continued to pray for his safety, and they continued to believe in him, because if ever there was a time for somebody to believe in what he was capable of, it was now.
An Interview with Paper_Paws
We don't have a title yet, or much detail about it, except that we're aiming to tell a story about a realistic abdl relationship that develops over the course of the narrative.
Hide and Go Seek
"i'm just trying to be realistic, petrie." he let out a long sigh. "you have no idea what i've been through, when i infliltrated and joined their ranks. i've seen things, petrie. i've seen what they do, how they lived. there are things that they know."
Lost in Los Angeles- Chapter 1
That dream had been so realistic that if i hadn't known any better, i would have sworn to god and back that it had been real, a memory from my past.
The Fireborn: Prologue
Werewolf pictures that were unforgivably realistic were showing up in those tabloids, after a few months homeless folks were disappearing like quarters out of a public fountain and then someone you knew somehow managed to cast an a piece of honest to god magicâ
"The Bone Amulet" - A School Days Halloween Story
That's a very realistic costume you have there. great job! but it's not right for an older teenager like you to run around and try to scare the younger ones. we're not scared, so go snarl at someone else."
The Evils of Truth and Love: Making Decisions
The effect was very realistic, though her words still echoed in a way that real sounds could never. latias' voice was similar to her real one, high and light, like some delicate wind instrument.
Town of Xiir'ah: Moving In
I'm surprised at how realistic is the fursuit. from the furs to the way the suit's mouth moved as she spoke, it seems like she **is** a doe-lady. "um, i want a room, please?" "just a second." she went and picked the nearest key she could get.
Looking back, thinking forward, the serrated blade of the past grinds even deeper. What I could have said, what I should have said, the things I have said, I never should have even thought. The past can't be changed. Most things can be...
Teaser 5
Journal Entry #82 So much has changed in so little time. While exploring what is believed to be the core of Site Meridian, we encountered the consciousness resting there. We've named it the Nexus Mind because it seems to be a network,...