Red Skies: Part 1

Yelled the leader of the raid as he jumped down the canyon with an axe in hand, intent to kill. out of sheer instinct, red pulled up the man in his right hand and blocked the attack, killing the meat shield in the process.


Study Group

"well it would appear that someone has raided the food in the fridge." patrick said eyeing max suspiciously. "well you did say ‘foods in the fridge, help yourselves'." "not meaning eat everyone's share as well!" "guys!"

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Crossing of a Legend

Just before you were born, he returned and released us from the hold of several groups of bandits that raided our caravans. before leaving, he caused us all to forget who he was, and what he had done. kynna.... meet your father..."

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While I Was Sleeping - Coevolution Interlude 02

She crept around the boards that had woken renée and herself up many times during late-night bathroom trips and pantry raids.

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lone dragon pt2

The king went strait to the point, " in recent months the mad dragons have started raiding the lands more deeply. i and the other major kings are banding together to deal with them. i wish for your help with such."

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Ander - Part 1: Subchapter 12

That will give us all the time in the world to plan for a good raid." _damn that banno! now he's talking about killing her entire tribe?_ "father, there is nothing to gain from -" kadai lifted his hand, and ander knew to keep quiet immediately.

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Rat Boy (Rat TF)

The four of them scampered to the kitchen to raid any type of food they can, using teamwork to get the door open. he sat down and chewed away at the block of cheddar inside, enjoying it with his boys. "this is definitely the life.."

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After the End chapter three: Monster

You can't raid because you refuse to steal. but we survive by stealing! we eat by killing! now face me, boy!" i flinched, turning to face my grandfather fully. "do you know who freed me, boy?" he spat the last word.

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Thirteeel Tales 2020: Tale 6

He took several breaks to go back and raid the snack bowl again. and by the time the library was fully organized the sun was starting to come up and he was starting to feel exhausted.

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The Arbiters - Chapter 2

For a city of artisans and peaceful folk, they held onto a deep rooted fear of demons that still held merit with the many towns that fell to their raiding parties. not everything was all sadness and gloom however.

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Destruction- Chapter 6- Team Sharktooth

Ludicolo could only imagine what went through the sharp blade's mind, hearing it as a guildmaster under a potential threat of a raid: tension, anger, maybe fear.
