All-Time High S1E12
How lame when we're going to be when our parents see what we're wearing for this special occasion? my parents will definitely flip," remarked kelly. "my parents should be okay with it.
All-Time High S1E21
How lame when we're going to be when our parents see what we're wearing for this special occasion? my parents will definitely flip," remarked kelly. "my parents should be okay with it.
Painful Solitude Ch.9
Then, to top it off, he told my parents he was gay and that he was in love with a guy. my parents freaked, forbidding him from seeing the man again. so one night, just a few weeks before his eighteenth birthday, sean ran away to be with that guy."
Lost Into The Past Chapter 3
To nathan's parents, for that matter.
Werewolf Tale II - Chapter 16 - I'd Like You To...
Once he was standing between his parents and shane, he asked, "what did you need?" "you, for a few hours." as alex's eyebrows scrunched into a questioning scowl, his mother asked, "what for?" "my parents want to meet him."
GSA chapter:4
"i would be honored, but first i need to call my parents and get them down here so they can see my speech and holy god i need a speech!" "don't freak we will write you one you just go call your parents."
Matheau and Beijore XX:: Scattered Thoughts
And there was no way that she could admit to her parents that the children she was carrying were her father's, because it would most certainly open up a rift between her parents, and that was something she most certainly did not want.
Age of Innocence: The Beginning of a Friendship
"cool, we just have to wait for my parents to get ready." the two waited, impatiently for the parent cheetahs to get outside. when they finally did, the kids got in the back seats of the car and buckled their seatbelts.
Into the Unknown-Chapter 2
Although he found himself back in comfortable feeling of being back with his parents, tirol never did feel the same or so he figured would go well with having biological parents.
Inner Dilemma | Part 4
"why do we even have parent's weekend?" "so that the parent's can see that the thousands of dollars they put into sending us here isn't going to waste." allen said as he stood up.
Hatchlings: Chapter 16
Of course, dragons grew fast, but it was still something to the parents. they tried to take good care of their hatchlings. of course, both being parents for the first time, they had to ask for help from their parents on multiple occasions.
Feral Paradise - Chapter One
They woke up their parents to run away. fayte has to leave her parents behind in the fire and has to run away with kei's family.