GSA chapter:4

Story by Yeble reble on SoFurry

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Derek watched as Kyle came out of his room. "looke Kyle what just hap-" Kyle put his over dereks mouth. "look we can talk after school, I'm late." Derek just watched as Kyle grabbed his bag and ran out the door. God damn it! What do I do now? "Good morning derek so when do you want to head towards your parents house to get your stuff?" mellany asked as she walked in the kitchen in with chibi fox Bahamas. "Umm well my dad leaves around five and is normally gone for a couple of days and my mom leaves at six to head to the hostpital so in about 15 minutes okay with you?" she poured herself a cup of coffee. "hey what's with Kyle?" Derek looked at the floor. "Nothing it's fine."

Once they had all the stuff packed in the car mellany got in the car and started it up. "hey think I will walk home. I need to clear my head." she nodded and pulled away. Derek walked down the street. After a few blocks Derek got tired and rested by a tall oak tree. Derek had began to dose off. Why was he going to do? Damn it why couldn't I stop look at his crotch "hey fag!" Derek looked towards the direction where the voice came from and went numb.


Kyle walked into homeroom and saw his normal group of girls. They saw him and ran over. "Kyle! We talked to some of the gay guys again and they said they'll join. And we talked to the principal, and he thought it was a great idea. He planned a assembly to alert students about it." Kyle was shocked. "Seriously?" Kyle was in a state of shock. "Yeah he said that gay bullying is a growing problem and he wanted to get on top of it before it got to bad. He said we get to give a speech about the GSA, And well we were wondering if you would like to be our speech giver?" kyle got a huge smile on his face. "I would be honored, but first I need to call my parents and get them down here so they can see my speech and holy god I need a speech!"

"Don't freak we will write you one you just go call your parents." Kyle nodded and walked to the back of the classroom and sailed in his house phone.


Mellany had just gotten home when the phone rang, she answered it and to her surprise it was Kyle. "Hey mom I'm giving a speech at school in front of the whole student body today, can you please come and watch. I'm really freak out exspecially because I just found out!"

"okay Kyle calm down I'll be there don't worry and I'll get your father. And I know you'll do fine trust me."

"okay mom thanks I'll see you at the assembly."

"okay bye Kyle." mellany hung up the phone and wrote a note for Derek when he gets back 'derek i went out to Kyle's to see a assembly be back soon.' with that she walked out side and got back in the car and left for the school.


Kyle was at lunch when Nina walked in all perky. "Kyle here's the speech. We all worked really hard on it and we think that it will really win over the crowd. So read it over, memerize it, and speak it." Kyle just looked at her. "You are happy. God I can't beleave this Is happening. One day I'm a normal gay teen getting beat up and attacked, now after a couple of days I'm going to give a speech about a GSA and gay bullying. I'm so feaken stressed out."

Nina looked at Kyle with concerned in her eyes. "Kyle we both know that is not why your stressed out. You can trust me." Kyle looked away. "I like this guy and I've liked gim sense I was 13 but I always thought he was straight but just recently I think that he likes me." She just stared at him. "Kyle what's this guys name?" Kyle couldn't hide it anymore. "it's Derek." Nina's ears shot up "I knew it!" she said. Kyle got up and began to walk away but Nina grabbed his wrist. "Sorry. Look from what I know is he beats up bullies for you, he spends time with you, and he even went gay for you. If I were you I'd tell him your feelings and see what happens." Kyle thought about what she said. She was right he does do everything or Kyle to protect him and make sure he is okay I mean he went gay for Kyle that goes beyond freindship. "Thanks nina. Well I got get to the adatorium see you later."

Kyle was paceing back and forth repeatively. Feeling like he was about to throw up. In the past few days he got beat up, turned his crush gay, got him kicked out, and may have found out that his crush might like him. Kyle sat down in a chair he was about to go on. Just then his parents walked in. "Kyle! Oh I'm so proud of you. I know you must be nervous but please don't worry you'll do fine." That's not what Kyle was worried about. Before Kyle knew what was going on the principal walked passed him and threw the curtens, the assembly was about to start.

"Students and teachers please settle down. Today I have called this assembly to shed some light on a growing problem. Gay bullying . Alot of gay students are afraid because of recent attacks on gay students. Now I am honored to introduce Kyle Anderson." That was kyle's que. He got up and as the principal left the stage Kyle walked out to the microphone. He slowly grabbed the microphone and looked out to the crowd. He saw Jasmin, Nina,and the gang. He saw his parents walking to their seats but he didn't see Derek. Oh no where is Derek? He wouldn't mess this unless...

Kyle decided to begin. "Alot of students are afraid to come out of the closet because they are afraid if what peole will do. For me I would not blaim them because I have been attacked in the past, but I had freinds who were there for me, that cared. I wish that we all had freinds like that but we all dont. That is what our GSA is for it is a place for all students to feel safe and around freinds."

Kyle looked out into the crowd agian just then every body in the crowd began to clap. Before he knew it the who auditorium was filled with applause. Just then two cops walked in and made their way towards the stage. They stopped at the stairs that lead off the stage. Kyle began to walk towards them not caring that he was leaveing the stage. He walked over to the closest police officer "why are you here?" the officer looked at his partner, his partner nodded. "Look...kid your freind derek woods was attacked. His attackers beat him up pretty bad." Kyle was in a state of shock. "we talked to his parents and they said that he lived with your family. When we arrived there we found a note and now were here. We came to talk to your parents." Kyle couldn't find the strenght to talk he just pointed to the crowd. They nodded and walked towards the crowd. Jasmine jumped out of her seat and pushed past her teacher. Just then Kyle realized he was still talking into the microphone witch ment everyone heard that conversation. Jasmine ran to his side. She was saying something but Derek couldn't hear her. It was like the world around him was on mute. Finally the world caught up to him. Kyle turned to jasmine, "jasmine take me to the hospital now!" just then Nina arrived. "come on Nina let's go." With that the trio left for the E.R.

Kyle ran into the E.R., He ran to the nurse. "What room is Derek woods in?" She looked up from her computer after typeing the name. "Are you family or family freind?"

"Family freind."


"Kyle anderson."

"Okay please fill out these papers."

"Jasmine can fill that out. What room is he in?" After getting the room number they got in the elevator and went up. Finally after searching around the whole floor they found the room. Just then kyle's parents came running towards them. They stopped next to Kyle who was starring through the window of the door at the sleeping wolf. Kyle walked to his mom and hugged her then stopped out side the door and looked over at Nina, "look Nina-" she stopped him "you know what you got to do now get your ass in there." Kyle hugged Nina and walked into the room.

Kyle walked into the room and saw Derek. He was asleep, Kyle noticed one of his paws had a cast on it, his waist was bandaged more than kyle's, and there was a gash on his right shoulder. Just then a chipmunk nurse came in, "Hello" she said in a warm welcomeing voice. "Hi, what happened to him?" she sighed. "Aparently some guys attacked him one of them pulled a knife and stabbed him in the gut, and cut his arm, and just to torture him they stomped his paw to dirt. He lost alot of blood if someone hadn't found him for a couple more minutes he would have bleed to death." Kyle began to tear up. The chipmunk walked out of the room. "Derek..." Kyle grabbed dereks right paw (the unhurt one)

Just then Derek started to wake up. "Derek are you awake?" Derek opened his eyes and saw kyle and smiled," y...yeah man." Kyle loved to see dereks smile. "look Derek there is some thing I've been wanting to tell you-" just then Kyle looked into dereks blue eyes, they began to move forward until their muzzles met into a passionate kiss. Kyle broke the kiss. "Derek I love you." Derek looked into kyle's eyes again "I love you to Kyle." Derek pulled Kyle back into another kiss.