Raven Wolf - Book 05 - Chapter 01
Dolly conner, one of the ex soldiers that has taken refuge in the museum, lets out a tired sigh at the comment that the old fox had left her with, she is not the type to go about robbing people, and it's rather troubling that mr.
No Ordinary Love.
He had just walked into his boyfriends -ex boyfriends- apartment to find him in bed with another dude. i turned a corner down the street when i saw a broken down car. i thought i should help out, i usual would.
All Things Quiet And Sweet Alt Ending 2 - Only Love Can Break Your Heart
Their later reunion at the alchemilla hospital was an embrace that only war veterans and ex-widows had ever felt. his heart soared at the sight of her, and he stayed with her for what felt like hours.
A Series of Moments 6
Yes, you are an ex-villain, but you're also a good man. and before you start asking, i do trust you around gosalyn. actually, she's the one who was wondering why you were taking so long to move in with us,' drake admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.
Matriarch's Duty Calls
Even when she sometimes _would_ lactate, it was never enough for her sons and daughter, let alone her ex-husband george and his strict expectations, due to him.
Fix or Forget | Part 2
I chuckle inwardly at how weird it is that i, a hotshot investment banker, someone who's used to dishing out advice, am getting schooled by an ex-jock janitor. funnier still, is the fact that he's absolutely right. "i'll go talk to him."
Ayame's Chronicles- Team Efforts
When the light disappeared, three dinosaur-like digimon roared at their ex-opponents. takami pointed his digivice at one of them. "monochromon... champion level data types?
Through the Looking Glass: Penance: Chapter 14
In the meantime, the bull listened to the panda and the ex-criminal about their plans to bring down tan tao's empire. "so you were _hoping_ that he would make a move like that?" asked the bull. "yeah," said po.
Cry Me a Murder (part seven): Only a Scream Away.
"that crazy, trigger-happy fool of my ex-husband shot him in the stomach...twice." "you came to his rescue?" "they were both lying on the floor. jack was clutching at his heart, still scrambling for his pistol. then he collapsed.
Which Way Is The Guatemalan Way?
Josee isn't happy ryan dumped her and ryan isn't happy with how his ex has been acting on the race thus far. in fact, it's to the point where toner's been considering changing their label from daters to haters.
MoonDust, Chapter 33
Twelve months compulsory service, then back to helsinki and a settled, stable life where the worst thing she'd have to worry about was a cheating ex-boyfriend.
Forever & Always
Tanner's friends had long since stopped talking to him, and there was really only one person that he kept touch with, and that was tanner's ex-boyfriend.