950 Tactical Demolition

It seems likely that grenades and conventional weapons are out. he's not even sure what sort of physics it's using, because it's just too thin to get a decent return. if he had maybe a couple of minutes to wind up for something really destructive...

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the Fluke Ch. 1

These usually are held in major convention centers and sports stadiums. these have been established for your own safety and for the safety of the public until a rational and clear decision can be made on monday.

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Dire Wolf Forgiveness

We aren't the most conventional of packs, you shall see that, but we are a family of sorts. you'll get to know my beta and her intended mate when we return to the den.

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Halo -chapter 5

We reached the dorms and realised that our conventional beds were substantially too small for us. half an hour later we reached a new room made just for the anthros.

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Welcome to the Junction!

If the iwc is responsible for many of the new ideas and conventions in the junction, then the nest is responsible for guarding the junction from threats, both external and internal.


Magic Mirror

So instead of trying to run or the use of conventional weapons, like others had already tried, they turned to the unconventional. one young dragon lad, one who's wings hadn't even grown in yet, was sent to ascend a nearby mountain.

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Chapter 1: Record Breaker

He'd brought the transwarp drive online, but not engaged it, at the maximum speed of conventional ships, a final test of the new technology in the realm of known velocities. this run would be groundbreaking.

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File #16

"according to this data, this entire planet is a gigantic generator for particle synthesis, a much more highly advanced form of matter/energy conversion then our conventional holography." yusa was amazed by the details of the data he was analysing.

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Jeremy 085; The Bureau Of Sabotage

Not only did it signal their position as outside the typical corporate structure but also let everyone know instantly just how much resistance to conventional corporate orthodoxy they could expect. gakota was obviously setting the tone in their offices.


Advent, Chapter 2-Spree

Then i made faces, threatened to shoot the window with a pistol molfreya had given me, (which was convincingly enough, very similar in appearance to a conventional earth weapon), and poked my head over the cockpit of the plane. "get off!!! now!!!"

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Ice Soldier chapter 4

So he head straight at them, and when he saw their lasers charging up, he made a hard turn and dodged right to avoid the heavy bolts as they flew past his ship, the ship took glancing blow by a more conventional weapon, and rocked to the ship sharply having

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A Shifty Discount

Usp=sharing with conventions having to close down, i'm in need of extra work, so enjoy a 10% off discount for all commissions taken this month! if you enjoyed this story, i'd love your support on patreon!

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