I write chapters as somewhat of a flow of consciousness which will contain inconsistencies, grammatical errors, placeholder dialogue, and exposition in place of events that i haven't figured out how to describe.
Lost Hope
Kiarra opened her eyes as she regained consciousness, blinking a few times to remove the rain that blurred her vision.
See how he hurts her how she fights not to cry he continues to tease, unaffected she wishes to die she thinks he must hate her but she doesn't know he's just as hurt inside night after night, when his own tears freely flow he's self-conscious
Dreamscape[prose poetry]
The endless field's in panic, nothing's steady, losing consciousness from sheer fear. black as a moonless night, except the moon is searing in mountainous flames.
TCoJ - Book 1 - Back Cover
A cold hatred numbed his conscious thoughts as he focused on his gift and with blinding speed raced for the traitorous city of dotharian, paws glowing brilliant red as his rage fueled him." - sanura, historical chronicler of jayden.
A prose things expressing some emotions from some strange part of my conscious. maybe if i express it, it will go away and i can finally move on to the important part of what i want to say. maybe someone will read this and connect with it and that will make
Internals (Poem)
The fury in my conscious disintegrates in its place remains the quietest calm and as i feel the anxious sate, disseminate i wonder at how this strength has fallen on then i feel them, not uncertain, confident arms wrapped closely, keeping me fighting
His inner conscious then starting talking again. 'why are you so embarrassed? he was just complimenting you. and why are you still staring at his adorable smile?' no, not adorable.. just a smile,' he said to him self.
The Ancient Bronie - chapter - awakening to the new world
I climbed into the consciousness transfer device and moved my consciousness over to the pegisi. i tested the joints learning that i forgot to oil them so i squeakily walked over to the oil and greased the joints of the mark 1 holding the oil b nanobots.
D.E1 Epilogue
He slowly gained consciousness as his mind brought back those horrible memories of what just happened a few hours ago. slowly, opening his eyes, he noticed that he rested comfortably in a soft bed.
Can't Take My Eyes Off You Ch. 5 (Seigi)
The last thing my conscious mind registered was the sight of a brown paper bag blowing in the wind. a few times, i slipped in and out of consciousness. the first i remember was falling onto something soft and white.
Meaning "Serpent Lady"
Tanith was only conscious long enough to realize that being stunned was not a pleasant feeling. when she came to, her headache was even worse, and something was covering her eyes and mouth.