Galactic Conflict - Chapter Four
Standing up the wolf saw that several of his team members were on the ground, armors broken and blood leaking from them. _our armors can withstand these impacts, why are they so fragile?_ he had thought.
The First Human
His armor generated the sand brown cloak over his armor and he draped it over him like a blanket, even curling his knees inside the fabric. "reminds me of the storms back on earth, they'd last all day and to the night.
The bolts of their bows were weak, and bounced off romulus' heavy armor or dug into his shield. each of the rats were silenced with a quick arrow between their eyes.
Juryokine: Chapter Twelve
As he stared, his armored assailant pulled his spear out of the ground and pointed it at him. _wait a minute. a spearman with glowing armor?_ toke's breath caught in his throat. _holy smite, zashiel was telling the truth!
WIP (continued)
There were seams at the neck of the armor, at the shoulders, the elbows, the waste, and at the knees, from what she could see. these places also seemed to provide the only pivot points in the armor.
Warm Up - 11 | Dying of the Light
His sister, launa, followed close by and took the actual shinies under their armor. she's also had the worst odor, yet the most net value out of all of them.
Voided Traveller: Chapter 1
The armour looked demonic, as was the point of the fur's vocational armour, but all the decòr was only placed to be functional, therefore form fitting to the fur's masculine frame.
J'nari the Brute of Elsweyr
J'nari, like dro'amoreth and i (6), prefers to use heavy armour, specifically, a specially enchanted armour, designed by me and based on the ebony mail, boethiah's sacred armour.
Terminology and Names
The takomenians also use the term in this way, a catch-all phrase for tanks and armored cars and personnel carriers.
The Dragon of Caldor IV [Part 1]
The sounds of armored metal boots shuffling behind him made him curious enough to roll over, in time to see three armored guards.
Flares Bells (Welded Sunset)
A spray of flares bouncing off the armor of the heavy wolf frame, itself easily half again her own height, and she heard the shimmering ping of a long range comms relay buried deep within and under the wolf's armor.
As time passes, weapons and armor developed and medieval plate armor appeared, chainmail and armor half-plate armor and scaly. the weapon appeared two- handed swords and long one-handed blade, battle axes, pikes, crossbows and composite bows.