The risen Curtain - Chapter 20: Reconciliation
The name i used for bogo is one that i took from the story "zootopia: file 2", by empressimperia, 'mansa' is from an african language, and i think it means "royalty" or something...
Gravity Assist
A young anthro canine floated gracefully through space, her wildly splotched fur and small frame masked by a simple spacesuit, as gray and dull as the space station to which she was tethered. The finesse with which she leaped across the station's...
Kaiju ga Gotoku 5.3 - A Taste of the Shadows
"correct," date gestured to each one, "that is the first african one, the nommos with its charming little tapers to resemble fins. that is the first european one, the laume, you can tell from the rivets.
Kaiju ga Gotoku 8.5 - Extermination
"swimming with dinero," roberto handed off his accounts, "we got some great new revenue from some african businesses settling in.
Rendezvous, Part Two
They called them _painted dogs_, but 'african wild dog' worked too and he got the distinct impression she was more interested in living up to that adjective. "you were a turret captain last, on a _zhukov_-class frigate, it says.
Five Nights At Furry
His african american skin matching along with his black suit and red tie, almost mistaken as a secret agent.
Kaiju ga Gotoku 6.7 - The Taste of Victory
Gen hid himself behind a heavy book about sub-saharan african nations, and watched the chaos unfold when mesobuchi tried to leave. "excuse me, sir!" the ox stopped the frog and the scorpion at the front hall.
Preparations Pt 2
The first to arrive to join them was volcan, accompanied by an african american human that avory didn't recognize at first.
Kamen Rider Wild - The Grand Crusade
An african dog who went by the name of penny, and the lion behind the wheel named dr. kagami. being in one of the more quiet areas, their voices were echoing through the air loud and clear. "kanarazu we can do it! we can do it! rensen! renshou!"
God of Hunger chapter 12-18
He was the only african american to fight that year. that was back when he was still mohamed, and before he went to work for a school as a gym instructor.
Toronto City Wars: Warp vs. Bantam Beaver
An african okapi woman, who shifted uneasily as she addressed the superhero. "yes, officer?" she asked, and the okapi officer jumped slightly. "don't be so nervous. we're all on the same side here," she said reassuringly. "r-right.
A BRCF Volunteer's Log
Two african guys soon ascended inside to the top, securing themselves with climbing gear, but still giving me the creeps as they were casually hopping from girder to girder removing the supports.