Saber's War - Chapter 3: Assignments

Saber starts scratching the back of his head, "you don't think the fact that no one here could take you in hand to hand is going to dissuade them?" goliath holds up his hand and pantomimes shooting a gun with his thumb and forefinger.

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If they did, then scott would have to place his men well because hand to hand fighting would again decide the fight, as it had before.

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The Acerbus Wolf

We knew how to fight in hand to hand combat, use firearms, and survive in the wilderness, we had learned some very useful skills. things were pretty standard for people my age until new years in 2157, that's when the missiles went off.

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Keeping Secrets

These arm coverings were essential to his ability to manipulate shadows, as well as being useful in hand-to-hand combat, the ends of the fingers being steel claws to cut and slash. the only other thing he had was a bow and quiver, which sat by the wall.

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Eternal Blue 9: Forbidden From Heaven

"i trust you know how to handle yourself in hand-to-hand combat?" he asked and charr just nodded. "good. then help me out here." a guard charged towards quint; sword drawn.

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 44: Two stories, one Author, The Dark Coastlines!

The super-sonic battle was nothing but a red blur and a silver blur and the random damage they seemed to be causing with their high-speed hand-to-hand combat.

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Oggstrosse Part 4 - Final Confrontation?

Are you that scared to fight me hand to hand?

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Sweet Sixteen and Elite Eight

Bruneau was already holding the ball, giving it an occasional dribble from hand to hand. hiro had lost the initial tip off to smu's armadillo centre, so underwood got to start with the ball in the third quarter.

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Stella Novus - Chapter I, Viæ

"he teaches hand-to-hand combat. he's supposed to be the best but rumor has it his brother is better. anyway, let me show you around. the building we were just in is the remedium where the medial branch is.

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Children Chpt 10: Bloodied Soil

While you all have excellent hand to hand combat skills, not to mention strength far surpassing that of polaris, that will not be enough.

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Age of Heroes Ch06 First Showing

"hand to hand would be a start," dark shadow answered for his companion, "this guy barely knows how to throw a punch correctly, let alone take one." tokoyami frowned.

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Alcatraz Ch. XXVII-Solus

The weight room was bigger- and at the corner there was a sort of ai hand to hand arena.

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