Shifters: Chapters 9-12
She was also becoming aware of a heat, pulsating from his body, it was becoming uncomfortable, even for her as a fire type, and had already forced the other shifters back several steps. brian mills was also aware that something was wrong.
New Beginning: And You Thought You Started Out On the Wrong Foot
I knew i already had a type disadvantage, and i prayed it was at too low of a level to know any fire-type moves yet. i hit the scan button on dexter, and waited for the feedback. "growlithe, the puppy pokémon." dexter announced.
A Tale of Two Worlds: Chapter one
Panicing the offending fire type lost his grip on the blastoise and tried to release his other hand frantically clawing to stop the pain it was causing, the blastoise rose up standing a good head above his distressed opponent.
The Aquastar Hotel
There were many fire type pokemon sitting in the long chairs with two stairs on each side of the sauna. mike greeted the pokemon and some nodded with a smile on their faces.
Guys' Day Out
Her roommate's a fire type, so she's usually fine. but sometimes, her roommate can't stay for the night. so...well...when i was there...f-fo0r the night...we...we in bed together-i-i mean...w-went to bed uh..."
Pepper Remembers
Then after exposing their only fire-type, a houndour, and nearly losing it to a magneton did teal turn to pepper.
Arc 5 Chapter 3: The City of Art
"every ninetales i've ever met was fire-type." "the ice form you see is the result of having lived in arctic climate and upon snowy peaks throughout their evolution," explained aerendyl.
Team Valiant Chapter 2: Questions and Answers
The poor fire-type pokemon was so tall, however, he bonked his head on the doorway as he started to exit, letting out an 'ow' before he ducked a little lower, stepping through and climbed onto the grass, rubbing where he'd struck the doorway.
Jayden, Chapter 9
Twisting in the loosening grasp, jayden brought an arm around the pokemon's neck, spinning him around so that he was on the fire type's back. with a tightening of his arm, he shut off the blaziken's airway, leaning close as he did so.
The Kanto Challenge: Chapter 2
Sirius lay himself down in the middle of the room, and comet took his usual spot of lying on his back, his head resting on the fire type's side.
A tale of two worlds - Chapter 6 Issues
The female fire type said nothing and just continued to stare blankly off into empty space, the dormant expression on her face implied she was not in the frame of mind to discuss it, but zandra being the kind of woman she was would not be beaten.
The Gift of Giving
Forty int, thirty stam, plus five percent crit change and a twelve-point damage boost to all fire-type spells." those words were all velikan... but they might as well have been gibberish. "'s good then?" "it's amazing!"