
**A race that has been around since before anyone knew of them, Lycaneans are characteristically an anthropomorphic race of creatures that appear to be a combination of wolves, lions, and man. Long pointed ears and their swift speed and agility could...

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A dictator's scapegoat

Cried a wildcat. the remaining wolves and wildcats weren't going to let the prisoners escape. following them into the forest shooting at them, the prisoners and their liberators weren't going to make it to the lz.

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Roman Circus

As dergian fell and rolled he heard a wailing scream from the wildcat. the lynx's teeth were in his shoulder and its claws had torn red gashes in the hibernian's spotted hide.

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Guro Challenge #13: Sickness

He offered the flagon to the looming wildcat, hoping he would be spared injury. trunn's eyes were glimmering unpleasantly and there was a smirk spreading under his whiskers. groddil fell to the dirty floor, covering his head.

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In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 11)

His stories of the so-called wildcats of the savannah kept me enraptured hours.

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College Life: Chapter 5

"j'ai dit 'pédés'," the wildcat said with a light growl, getting up in leo's face. "avez-vous un problème avec ça?" leo replied, standing up to his full height and staring the wildcat in the face with his teeth bared.

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Coming Back

Muscle, i had blood all over my silver fur, my paws were shaking and then he jumped out of nowhere... that big black wolf with his yellow eyes, glowing in a bloody creepy way, he bit my neck and hurt me really bad, then he laughed and walked away telling the wildcats

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In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 14)

He spent most of lunch telling us of the history of the wildcat tribes and his life on the savannah.

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Playing a sick joke on me, though he was never the type, and i gave him a little push on the shoulder so that he fell to one side, his bright, teal tie showing, though the rips and stains in his shirt were terrible, like he at been clawed at by some real wildcat

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Crymson Fira

The heavy air in the prison of metal and stone made it hard to breathe, the smell of disease and squalor weighing heavily upon it. The cheapest of the stock: the slaves which were poorly or hardly trained and rarely fed due to the disobedient state of...

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Rebecca's Summer Fling Part 2: A Talespin Fanfic

"i'll be home after midnight, rebecca said "the name and phone number of the restaurant is by the phone and if you need anything just call wildcat." she said leaving the apartment.

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As if he'd been bitten on the behind, the wildcat comically leapt into the air with a hiss and spun about, eyes crazed and teeth bared.

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