A Virtual Wish, Chapter Four

It was signed with a wierd symbol that looked like a book in a tree. maybe a doctrine in the tree of life? to represent tangents inheriting earthly bodies?

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crimsons lost memories chapter 3

That camp was wierd i started to think that could have been pokemon from the destroyed town.

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My story (introduction) the war of heaven

Even if i was a little baby i felt the cold air hit me like a rushing train. i heard laughter shouts cheers yelling of joy and victory........................ " its born the hybrid the end of the mortal world and heaven",said a women with a wierd sense i knew

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Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:23) <- already °__°

You look so wierd to everyone. you think a minute. you push bowser out of the way. you run. you run outside, and lay down on the porch. you look like a sleeping dog. bowser comes out. he trips over you. you scream in pain. you heard a bone snap...

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Im growing a tail

One day i felt wierd. i felt a tingle feeling in my lower back. i was unpopular at school, everyone hated me. so earlyer that day i was hanging out with my friend kim. my only friend. then i bought lunch at school.


The fox and the pound part 2: old love and fear a new

And soon i pass out but befor i did i heard wierd sounding foot steps and seen a creater standing on its hind legs.


Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:28)

(preveously-she looks wierd...) \*now\* she looks down at you. your eyes widen. "hi i`m daisy!" she screams. she has hi i`m daisy! written all over her face. you exit the room. peach finds you. "don`t go in there. she`s a little coocoo.

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shivers part one

"talk about wierd much?" i said to myself not even pondering what was waiting for me inside the museum. "well i guess it's just my wild imagination acting up on me again."

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Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:27)

She looks wierd...(stay tunned for pt:28)

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wierd.... anyway ;like i was th-turn left someones in pain he turns to his left and looks and realiese that a bike is on its side at least 20 meters away and someone is running towrds him. chapter 2-a premonition

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Odd love story... Chapter 2

Icey said as she spot a wierd blue egg. the egg stayed still... as a rock moon walked over curiously. "i think it's an egg" the egg started to flash and icey pushed moon out of the way so she could see what pokemon it would be.

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It's a wierd word, i almost had trouble working it in there! but it was such an interesting one i couldn't change it. so as usual, feedback is lovely and so is spreading the word of this! spread the word about the word (of the day)!

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