The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IV Chapter 7

The sight of warfang was a literal killjoy. a hole draining all the good that happened in her accursed life. "wrong?"

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TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 9 informing Warfang

Frost lived in the high parts of warfang very close to the citadel. he was the son of one of the highest standing dragon in warfang only surpassed by the guardians.

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the new guardians part four

After his stretch arrow looks at the sun to get his bearings as takes off for warfang city, as he was flying arrow was going over the guardian candidate hopefuls he found in his fief and sighs in exasperation, "forty-eight, forty-eight hopeful candidates"

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Stars of Time - The Stars of Destiny

"i'm cedric warfang. son of emperium warfang. brother of invictus warfang and secundius warfang." spyro looked at him in surprise. "what!?" he said, "warfang? as in, the royal family warfang, to whom warfang is named after?" "yeah, pretty much."

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TLOS Legend of the black dragon Chapter 2 return to the return journey

"if we continue in at this pace we will reach warfang tomorrow before noon" spyro said to cynder. "but we will have to find a place to sleep for one night" "by the way" cynder said "what?"

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The Day I Meet a Hero Chapter Three

Now off to the dragon city of warfang.

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The Elemental Blade: Chapter 4

With a nod they took off in the direction of warfang.

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TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 12 the participants

"that's because nearly all dragons have fled towards warfang during the war with the dark master" "are you saying that the dragons that are in warfang right now are the only ones that are left!" spyro almost shouted in disbelief.

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Talsir and spyro

So maybe he had better technology " well actually were somewhat modern in some parts of avalor..but this is warfang..this reigon has been most hard hit by the wars!

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The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 3

Now he knew where he was and where to go; and soon they would arrive at warfang.

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