The Creeps - Chapter One: Claude

Much to the confusion and vague delight of her fellow students, the bespectacled amphibian slammed the entrance open and proceeded to hop from booth to booth, searching in vain for the perfect use of her time.

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Species: Skr'rit Companion

Externally she vaguely resembles a large canine with elongated legs, neck and tail.

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Dragon of Déjà vu

His memory of the other was always vague and hazy being the nature of dreams. this was his power. after several days of comparing the landscapes, he and his mate became convinced it was truly the case.

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A Light in the Dark

Atlas made a vaguely affirmative, still very confused noise. "uh... huh...?" walking over to her bed, jarzyl slumped down on the mattress. "it's because the sudden bright light makes them all confused.

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Chronicles of the Tetrad Chapter 1: Guide

Gaea, the earth one which you vaguely feel existed, was long ago. perhaps you remember humanity, the mostly hairless beings that stood on two legs and had thumbs.

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Part 1

A few hours later, a vaguely familiar street sign pulled him into the parking lot of a bar. the inside was pretty smokey, not as smokey as the road, but still hazy enough to where he couldn't see the back wall.

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The Hunter and The Rift: Chapter One

A vague feeling of familiarity hung in the air like a mist, invisible, but there all the same. teasing my senses with it's semi-existence. in the distance, a crackling of leaves could be heard.

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Light Bane: Chapter 18

The details are vague, but one day, qeveriyt just...vanished. alongside its inhabitants. even more mysterious, this was supposed to be a big event, but the details were vague, and the matter apparently shrugged off.

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Bruxa 1/2: Breaking the Fast

Imagine a six-legged ferret the size of a tiger, and then forget that completely; bruxa, or at least the huntress that locals call bruxa, would be better described as a vaguely raccoon-ish beast the size of an armored car.

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Chapter 2

A few watched her out of amusement a few out of vague worry. she ran about like a child that got let out a cage after hours of just siting in there.

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Amber Silverblood: Rogue Wolf, Chapter Twenty Six

And it's," he waved vaguely to our left, "somewhere over that way." i looked in the direction he'd gestured, but whether it was because of the buildings in my way or because it was so dark, i couldn't see it.

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Insole exploration

You vaguely remember talking to a dragon in a club, followed by him making a comment about him being the biggest dragon you'd ever see.

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