Exchange, Part 2

Bambi spent the rest of the day wandering the savannah. He had contemplated going back to the forest but decided against it. "No one would recognize me and what else would I have there like this?" He had been wandering around for a while and found...

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Exchange, Part 5

Things continued much as they were for Bambi. He continued to catch prey and was getting used to being a lion. There was, however, one noticeable change. Ever since he found out Scar was king, the bigger lion had become much stricter with him. His...

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The Lion Kings' Legacy Chapter 3

Simba was soon met by three lions, rather than the one he was expecting. They stood side by side, all looking back at him as he entered. Suspending his shock for a moment, Simba was able to take a look at the trio before him. All three lions had dark...

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Korongo: The Beginnings - Final Chapter and Epilog

Something huge loomed behind Kali. 'What are you doing? Ouch, stop that!' 'The fat one resists,' said a voice behind her. It moved away and edged around her and into her line of sight. At first, she failed to focus on the huge being that...

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Exchange, Part 1

Simba was exploring a far part of the oasis. He didn't go there often but he still he wasn't expecting much. But as he made his way through, he found something completely unfamiliar. Just on the other side of a small pond, the trees had some-what...

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The Lab-lab Part 2, Lucy's Chair

Lucy, a feral-in-appearance wolf, was hard at work with a seemingly normal desk chair. She was wearing a welding mask, just in case. At last the final component was in place. She flicked her head back, raising...

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Big Cats and Labradors

After a series of shenanigans, Simba ended up absorbing a lot of excess energy from Rafiki's staff. At first, he only got a snow leopard tail from it, something he was happy to live with. Now, it had snowballed...

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