Nether Encyclopaedia: Dune Riders

Accessories include: earrings, rings, bracelets and bicep and thigh bonds, but unlike the djins who wear only two(one for a bicep and one for a thigh) ifrits prefer wearing six( two for both biceps, two for both thighs and two they wear on their ankles) since

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Bigger Than He Bargained For: 04

Reaching into the mass of floral print cloth, he picked up the trailing edge of the cloth with his fingers and gingerly pulled it down his torso, shimmying slightly, the motion causing his lower belly to slide around on his thick thighs.

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POV vore - you and a bear 1

Its legs are as thick as a fat man's thighs and its paws are each bigger than your head. it must weigh at least five hundred pounds. you pull up short with a gasp. what to do? it doesn't turn and run the way wildlife usually does at the sight of you.

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Spa Parlour - Slow Day Appointment

Cal asked with a light smirk, his hands now squeezing and roaming the thick calf, knee and thigh of the injured leg of the stallion, digging his long digits into the flex and feeling the tense muscle within. "what did you fall on exactly? concrete?"

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Commission: Zen & Marty: The Beginning

The quail noticed leo's thigh was twitching through his dark blue pants. he stared at it then pulled back with a disinterested glare at his boss, him noticing that the cobra was flexing his thick thighs just to tease him.

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No Growing In The Library

thick, rippling muscle that left his arms thick enough that his biceps bulged anytime he raised them and his thighs girthy enough that they pushed against each other slightly but noticeably in a fight for space.

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Godzilla and the warbat

It had worked those coils down foot by foot to make room for its advancing maw and two thick coils of serpent still pinned his arms to his sides and even wrapped tight around his thighs now.

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The Simple Life, Chapter 1 : Fenris in The Mornings

He draped his thick tail over my thigh and entwined it with my own smaller, fluffier one, making me grin.

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Fitness Testing

While the wolf's belly domed over his snug waistband in a soft swell, the culpeo's paunch actually sagged over his, covering his whole front with an overhang reaching halfway down his zipper and threatening to overtake his view of his thick thighs.

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100 Ways to Grow #2 - Serum

His shorts, once loose, now struggled to contain the wolf's massive thighs. stretching and bloating with sharply defined muscle, his thighs pushed his shorts until they reached only halfway down those titanic bulging muscles.

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Sakura Gets Sumosized

And then something began to flow down the tube: a thick, cream-coloured liquid that oozed into her mouth and over her tongue; she had no idea what it was, but there was no questioning that it was quite delicious in its sweetness.

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Taking For Himself

Grieves and thigh guards fell down around him as his thighs bulged from the pillars they had been before to rapidly approach then shape the girth of the ancient trees from elven forests.

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