PMD The Warriors of Light

"yesterday when the two swannas assisted me, they said something about combinations like it's a plan of moves used for targets like friendly matches and enermies, why don't we make up two random ones in the meantime, sounds cool right as trust is very helpful

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Pokemon Team Valiant: Mentors

Now, after searching seven islands, and realizing that his course was taking him on a wild swanna chase, he started to wonder if he might be wasting his time. but, he kept to it, even with his waning hope that he'd find his teacher eventually.

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Team Valiant Arc 9 Chapter 10: Dead End

At the barren crater around them, narrowing his eyes suspiciously before looking back at calhoun. "...there's nothing here," he blatantly stated, crossing his arms, "i'm starting to think this whole trek has been for nothing, and you've led us on a wild swanna

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