I feel so deaf
the sound pressing in
the blackness suffocates
absence so prevelant
where does it come from?
i feel so plugged
the flowers are dull
the stench rots my core
my nose a sore
burning my face.
Emotion, Poetry, senses
Outpouring their blood and poison
these orange sludge
these ash clouds
liquefies things they touch
suffocated a civilization
falling! falling from the now coal black sky
like hell coming down from the heaven.
Anger, Contest, Emotion, Legend, Nature, Pain, Poem, Poetry, Random, Slam, Sorrow, angry, lava, mythical, name, poetic, stupid, volcano
My brain imagines the fog spreading into the wetness of my mouth, twisting down into my lungs to suffocate me as thick balls of cotton.
driving to work one early morning i saw two young bucks bound across an exit ramp and into 6 lanes of traffic.
Death, Fear, Horror, Mountain, Short Story, Writing prompt, fog, scary
Because she spoke of love
but when she's bored with torture of flesh
she works with the mind
i still cry at night but inside her eyes
because i can feel the pain of her victims and it kills me
the weight of their pain pushes down on my chest and suffocates
Evil, Long, Poem
The lupine tried to get as much air as possible while being held up, his intact arm grasping the deadly paw that suffocated him.
"stupid little mutt," the jet black werewolf muttered in a low, rasping voice, or what some would say to be "normal".
Chapter, Eastwood, Kerl, Lon3, Lon3Wolf, Lon3Wolf65, Prologue, Story, Wolf, hero, zero
If the other soldiers didn't find him soon then he would suffocate, the air bubble only had a certain amount of oxygen in it, and already it was becoming difficult to breathe.
Military, Trenches, Violence, world war one
I coughed as my lungs refused to take in any air, and i felt like i was going to suffocate. more kicks started raining down from above, landing on every part of my body and slamming my head into the concrete.
Action, Bulldog, Canine, Cat, Clean, Dog, Drama, Feline, Gangs, Guns, Leopard, Male, Night, Story Progression, Story Series, Violence (Not In Yiff)