Cinder and Shadows (Chapter 3)

Chapter three: How it ended Yes its true, Snow was arrested. But its not really what you think. This was a few years latter and the little scam wasn't really so little... Or a scam at all. The plan was elaborate but the aim wasn't to get any large sum...

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Street Cred - Part 2

They jumped from the staircase over a fence and to a nearby pole, which they slid down, and wasted no time in making their way towards a public street.

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Watch Dogs 7-The Long Trek

Scared, paired walking soldiers We're all wounded anyway In our respective ways The walking wounded- Bayside Still pondering about the mysterious stranger who had slaved us, I dragged myself over to the rest of the group, huddling together...

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Watch Dogs 6- Trial by Ice

_Where it's cold, and ice hits your skin_ _Few can stomach how harsh it is_ _In the woods lies a Great Old One_ _Who'll tear the flesh, right off your bones..._ -- **3 Inches of Blood** , _God of the Cold White Silence_ After they had gathered...

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Watch Dogs 4- Be A Man In The Watch

Welcome my son, welcome to the machine where have you been? It's alright we know where you've been you've been in the pipeline, filling in time ? shadows fall lyrics And for the second time this day I awoke nit knowing what the hell was...

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Watch Dogs 3- The Lost Boy

One strolling down a relatively quiet street he walked closer as the man turned into an empty alley he really could not believe his luck, no witnesses and out of sight of the cameras.

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Watch Dogs 2 - the ouroboros

Marks (which he considered a clear mark of a mind broken by meme overdose) and at last the one time that pays for all , after arranging a meeting through an unbelievable number of cut-outs and middlemen he came to a shitty little café in the bad end of a street

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Watch Dogs

I am the guilty one Ball and chain around my leg I am the cursed one Black cloud hangin' overhead Fill the heart that pumps bad blood All inside of me.'' -- Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, _Killer Wolf_ The 20 Year Prologue A cold wind was...

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Watch Dogs 8- The Crucible

We ignore any reasoning And we do as we're told And we grow so cold And no one can say why. Training- by neurosis After coming through the portal Corvus tore in the world, and seeing Erik hurried off on a stretcher by frantic orderlies we...

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Watch Dogs 9 - Back into Hell

We glanced around "weren't guards mentioned, in the sort of voice that implies jackboots and big, big guns, these just look like people grabbed of the street-"then the corridor wall exploded outwards and through the hole came both full-auto gunfire and masked

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Streets paved with gold (3)

#3 of streets paved with gold sorry it has taken so long to get the third chapter of this story out, i was unsure which way to take it or how i wanted it to flow, hopefully it will make an enjoyable read, if so i would appreciate any comments, faves and votes

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Cinders and Shadows (chapter 5)

"well yes, i cant have you living out on the streets, now can i? do you have any belongings you wish for me to have ryu fetch?" i thought about my old home in the school, i had loved there for years.

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