V Stands For Victor
They shook their heads, "but if you get caught without us," one said, your mother will put us in the stocks. well, the stocks are exactly where he wanted to go, "we won't be long.
30. Picture It
Ray stared at the swinging chains on the stocks and gasped. "stocks?!" he asked. "you're going to lock us up in stocks?!" "at least until we get both of you to agree to confessions." marshall said. "zang!" "why do i have to do all the hard work?"
Same Old, Same Old
Through taking stock, i found a broken husk of a kid, a soul with no fire, and a mind filled with rot. i am helpless to my fears, and i am hopeless to my dreams.
The Modern Huntress
Signet had plenty in stock so that was an easy kill. across the hall was the bookstore where she'd pick up a nice hardback fantasy/western/romance for their family friend harley.
Escaping the Storm: Part 1
Erik fought to keep his tongue still, watching his superior march off to disappear into another gap in the vast wall of stock. "...you dick."
Character's Weapons
Has a black finish and wood stock and hand guard. -a mossberg 500 pump action shotgun chambered in 12 gauge. firing bird shot, buck shot or slugs. matte black finish, customized with a folding stock, red dot sight, pistol grip and pistol grip pump.
Kitty. Ch.1
Now, let's get you into that body stocking." kira helped kitty into the body stocking and took kitty to her crib to put her down for a nap. "sleep tigh, kitty.
Lucy's Christmas Wish - SHORT STORY
Four stockings hung across the mantle, one for lucy, her brother, her mother, and her late father.
Abuse - Chapter 1
"i know you're taking any hours you can get, but i have no choice, you're on probation, and i'm afraid you're no longer working the register, you're stock boy for the next two weeks..."
finding where i belong
"wow you're really stocked up. you have the best stock i've ever seen." "like i said we take care of our pets." i try to stifle a yawn but can't stop it. "tired are we? you must have had a long day and now i'm keeping you up.
BX-132 Chapter 5
Do we still have the syntha-fur, we use for prosthetics in stock?" "big hacoona! i believe so, let me check...."
Navigating in a Changed World - Prolog: News of a Changing World
Said a stock negotiator specialist. "many choose to keep to themselves, but some choose to 'come out of the closet', so to say, and let the world know they are how they are. this has an effect in the stocks, of course.