It appears this budding reporter and host of conspiracy news will be unavailable for quite some time to cum! err... come."_ a mysterious voice said, aiming the red haired boy's camera at him.
_"isn't that right slave?"_
_"yes my beastial masters.
Adventure Series, Akita, Alternate Reality, Bear, Bondage, Breast Play, Bull, Carried Like A Bride, Cat, Chakat, Dall Sheep, Dawn Horse, Deaths, Deflowered, Demon, Depowered, Dragon, Dry orgasm, Eagle, Entity, Ewe, Female penetrated, Full Body Massage, Goo Creatures, Group Sex, Hedgehog, Hotel, Humans, Imminent death, Jackal, Kissing, Library, Licking, Male/Female, Monkey, Nude, Oncilla, One, Panda, Podcast, Possession, Power Failure, Presenting, Rabbit, Rape, Reality Shock, Reign of Terror, Rotisserie, Savages, Scalie, Search Party, Separation, Serial, Sex Exploration, Sex dungeon, Slaughter, Story Series, Threats, Torture, Tour, Underage, Wolf, Wolverine, abandonment, assembly, butt hurt, cameo, danger, empathy, execution, monsters, prisoners, prototype, question and answer, space ship, transformed, volcano