Chpt 25- The Big Day
"I can't believe this is happening?" Lunar chuckled deeply. "What's not to believe? That I am marrying Tia or that I chose you to be my best mare?" Lunar stood wearing his knightly attire which consisted of a red vestment, gold silk shoulder guards...
awake chapter1
"well can you do something about my wing or my shoulder first they hurt quite a bit" "sure im no medical pony but i'l do what i can" with that i turned my back to the pony as she continued "im twilight sparkle an this is my assistant spike, sweet celestia
Chapter 1 - The Secret of The Mechanical Pony
"peace sister," she said to luna before looking back at twilight sparkle, "explain twilight sparkle." twilight sparkle looked a little worried but continued.
Rising darkness -teaser-
It was midnight. The full moon and the stars shone coldly in a cloudless sky. A gentle breeze swept over the country. But suddenly the glow of the moon and stars wavered a little. The breeze stiffened a bit and somewhere in a deep dark forest,...
Awake chapter 2 : Where to?
The caramel stallion said over my shoulder " Twilight did an good job with your wing, but I'm going to have to guess about the bone structure of your Shoulder, as I have never seen a dragon let alone one from an different universe." he paused an...
The Prince and the Gunslinger - Chapter 1
"and if it ain't your friend twilight sparkle! i haven't seen you since the apple family reunion back in ponyville. don't stand out there in the heat and sun; i've got some nice cool cider i was just pouring myself.
Chapter Three: Explained Extractions, Unknown Reasons (edit 2/13/2015)
I am rather lost on everything that's happening but princess twilight sparkle is right. i have the distinct sense of direction, like knowing where she is without looking.
They grow up so fast "literally!" Chapter 1: The spell
"princess twilight sparkle, you're my friend and all, but if i don't get turned back into a boy in the next thirty seconds-!" "okay, okay, geez!" twilight sighed as her horn lit up once more.
The Suitcase
How he was born from an egg and how twilight sparkle had raised him. "no.... please stop, i'm a human..." he painfully grunted out.
New face in Ponyville part 1
"okay, so your name is Diamond Race?" a Grey pony was behind a desk, looking at a piece of paper "Yes, that's it" on the other side of the desk was a Cyan unicorn with a yellow mane and tail, her cutie mark was 2 crossed checkered flags "your...
My little pony: A New Start Chapter 2
"Oh come on Twi, I just wanna see what he looks like. You make him out to be really interesting." A voice I never heard yet. "Not now Spike, he's sleeping, he had an eventful day yesterday and needs his sleep, you will just have to wait till he...
MLP: Lunar's Return pt 4
"Well I have nothing set up for the rest of the day aside from a few friends showing up...oh I almost forgot, Rainbow Dash and Rarity are supposed to come over later." I looked about the place before back to the young unicorn. "Well I can come back...