Paradise and Coffee

Suddenly the team jerked the bike way to the left as they chased after the snowshoe rabbits that had been on the drift, far to the left of the course.

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Luca's Story Ch. 15

Rebeccah simply turned and pointed out how the snow lay thickly on the ground, enough so that, with a pair of snowshoes, beccah could reach the awning that marked the low point of the first floor roof. "easy as pie," beccah announced.

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SHIFT 009: Eternal Equinox

The snowshoe hare leaped up onto the table. "just give me the seeds, or any of the plants with still a little life in them and i'll get you a full harvest before the night is over." "very well, i shall prepare the ingredients for you."

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Springtide: Winter Warmth

He looked around looking for someone to get help from and spied a snowshoe rabbit kid drinking hot chocolate outside a small cafe. he quickly ran up to her. "yap!" cris gave a shout as he dropped the stick. "huh?"

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Life Beyond the Snow: Chapter 2

The two grabbed their stone swords and knives, put on their snowshoes, and stood at the front door once they were ready. "ready, zane?" vexx asked. zane nodded and vexx reached for the lock on the door.

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"The Thin Line," Part TT

From the woods to the west of the ford began to emerge figures in dusty brown, navigating the drifts in wide snowshoes. at first, they emerged in pairs.

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"The Thin Line," Part PP

We could see that he was passing a stream of rabbits coming in on snowshoes, skis, and the occasional country ant. the farmers were gathering in the temple.

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Attention, Please

I do not want my species to become the next 'snowshoe hares' ... mere mysteries. mere footnotes." graham nodded quietly, still standing.


Once, twice and again!

Except that the tightrope kept moving, and she was wearing snowshoes. and -- "spyglass. pop-up group. bullseye, seven-zero for two hundred." _what?_ that was right in front of them. "alamo, what's --" "contact, left eleven.

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